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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Home security: Will a Lorex camera work with the SimpliSafe system?

    Home security: Will a Lorex camera work with the SimpliSafe system?

    Will a Lorex camera work with the SimpliSafe system?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    looking for a very small camera (hidden)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Is there anything like that? I am getting a home security system, but also wanted to put in a "invisible" camera if, my home security cameras are dissabled.

    submitted by /u/team_emial345
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    Best camera set up with 24/7 recording?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    So I currently have Vivint as a security provider. Their outdoor camera quality is terrible, as is their customer service. They constantly stop working even after being hardwired and ethernetted throughout my property. I do, however, like that they record non-stop as opposed to just "motion only" recordings.

    I've tried Blink but I run into the same issue where they just stop working despite connectivity being fine. Even the indoor cameras have this issue.

    I'd like to transition to something similar to Vivint, but with actual quality cameras and a system that doesn't require a tech to come to my home every single week.


    submitted by /u/ExtraThrowaway316
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    Contact ID 411

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    This may be in the wrong place, but I've seen you all come up with some great answers, so I thought I would post here first.

    Start off by saying I am an electrician by trade and do alarms from time to time for the company.

    Back story: Company's landlord owns a 5 suite strip mall that we are a tenant in, ADT had installed 5 separate panels with 5 separate bills, landlord asked us if we could condense it all to one alarm. I ended up installing a vista 128 with 5 partitions, keypads, sirens etc. Monitoring is through our outsourced central monitoring, each partition gets called on their alarms if one occurs. This is the first and only 128 I've ever installed. Everything has worked fine for about two years,Last week the landlords front door wireless contact failed and I replaced it, I logged into compass to change the serial number, and tested it, all was well. Soon after, CS called us (Dealer) with a (alarm?) saying that the panel had requested them to call us. Contact ID 411. I didn't understand why and chalked it up to a fluke. Tonight, I had to make a personnel change on our partition so I logged into the panel, changed the info (removed person/code, added new person/code), downloaded it and closed out. Shorty after, my boss called me and said that CS called with the same alarm (411). I've made various changes to this panel over the last two years and never had this happen before and I'm not sure why, it's flagged for the landlords partition but calls us, the dealer, so I don't think it's an alarm.

    I've looked the code up and it's definition is:

    411 Callback request made, User, A remote site (central station) has requested the panel call it back

    It's not listed as an alarm, but as user defined, the only two changes I've made recently are the Wireless contact and user change. Like I said, I'm not an alarm tech by trade so I don't have any alarm friends or coworkers and tech is closed by now. Just wanting to see if you could enlighten me.


    submitted by /u/greenskycity
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    What do you do with old systems when you upgrade?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I have a 2GiG CP21 panel with 8 or so door/window sensors that I am replacing with new Ring system. When you remove an old system like this, do you wipe it and re-sell or even can you? There isn't much to these systems so are still viable solutions and will work for another 5 years (already being 5 years old now).?

    Are they even worth reselling or do I just give em to a friend? Is there means to wipe them and get monitored service again for someone else?

    submitted by /u/trich101
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    Need advice to secure a rental property in the UK

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Hi, you probably get tonnes of questions like this, but I am a novice and I'm out of my depth. I'll give you some background, then let you know what sort of thing I'm after. I apologise for the vagueness of the background, I'm attempting to avoid anything overly identifying.

    A relative of mine has been acting...odd for several months. We have reason to believe that they may have gotten caught up in something less than savoury. They have cut off all family including their parent whom they were incredibly close with. There was an incident a few months ago where a new romantic partner of theirs had a...fit of temper, and caused some damage to their home. The odd behaviour began before this incident, but after they met this new individual. I am aware that they use recreational substances, but nothing that most would consider serious.

    This person has always been very independant, refusing to allow me to even buy them a can of coke when we have been hanging out.

    Suddenly, they have contacted me on multiple occasions, late at night, asking to borrow a two digit sum of money, to be returned the following day, with extra on top. I cant think of any good reason why they would need that sum of cash in such an urgent manner, so late at night. I can only assume that something a bit...off is happening.

    They have claimed that they would attempt to borrow from thir parent but the parent is in some way indisposed and therefore unavailable to help, however, they are unaware that I know they have to spoken to their parent in several weeks.

    To be completely blunt, my suspicion is that they owe money to a dealer of some kind. Or that they have run out of their substance of choice and are attempting to borrow to obtain more. The amount requested does not match with the typical cost of the amount they would usually buy of the substance I was already aware of. It is significantly higher.

    Ok, still with me?

    Unfortunately, should my suspicions be correct, this relative is aware that we are in possession of a number of valuable items. (Electronics, collectables, jewellery and so on) We were burned some time ago by a friend who became addicted to cocaine, and despite once being someone we would have trusted with our lives, they robbed us blind...including the only item I possessed that had belonged to my father. Naturally, I am extremely worried that similar could occur here. Once bitten and so on... I hate to think of my relative this way, but, I have no choice, i owe it to my spouse and child to protect them.

    So, this is where you guys come in. I dont really know what I need to do here. A camera system seems obvious, but I'm sure there is more I could be doing.

    Here are the bullet points of our personal situation.

    There are two main doors to the property but there are also three large, vulnerable windows.

    I would also probably wish to protect our garage, which will require a separate camera.

    Because of those two points, I would estimate that we require a minimum of three cameras.

    We have a fenced yard and garden.

    The property is a two storey, with the garage attached. It is semi-detached. (A duplex)

    We rent so something that doesn't require wires would be best.

    We are renting from a private landlord.

    There is an old but non functioning alarm system in the property.

    My spouse is disabled and therefore our funds are very tight, I need to do as much as possible on a budget.

    We have an Alexa device and smartphones that we could connect a smart system to.

    We have free roaming, indoor pets, so interior motion sensors will probably be ineffective.

    I am reasonably technically minded but anything excessively complex will probably be beyond me.

    That's everything I can think of. I hope I haven't bored you too badly. Right now I feel angry and sad that I am in this position, and I am desperately hoping that I am wrong. But I can't assume i am wrong and risk problems. I would rather be paranoid and safe than lax and in trouble.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/PepperPhoenix
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