• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Home security: Cat 5e CCA vs. 100% Copper for PoE Cable

    Home security: Cat 5e CCA vs. 100% Copper for PoE Cable

    Cat 5e CCA vs. 100% Copper for PoE Cable

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:04 PM PST

    I have seen recommendations to use 100% copper Cat5e cables instead of Copper Clad Aluminum.

    What impact would using CCA have on images from the camera?

    Any other reasons to use 100% copper over CCA?


    submitted by /u/ceh83
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    Hardwire a battery powered smoke detector?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:05 PM PST

    Really want to replace the hardwired First Alert smoke alarms in my home with new Z wave models, but they only make them in battery powered versions. Are there any adapters or any ways to hardwire battery powered smoke detectors?

    I know some companies like Ring make battery powered listeners but I'd rather not mount another device on the ceiling if I don't have to.

    submitted by /u/shawncberg
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    How can I temporarily stop a door censor from pinging (Ring)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:50 PM PST

    So for context I live in the garage, im 18 and live with my mom. My mom sleeps very early and Im a night owl I like to go out to the living room get some snacks to take to my room and sometimes I need to simply take a piss. Theres a garage alarm door censor that was put there before the room got built into the garage so now it's unavoidable that there is that annoying ping sound every time i decide to go out of my room so my easy fix was that I just leave the door slightly open until i decide to go to sleep to not bother my family with the pinging, she hates that i keep the garage door open so every night she gets mad and tells me to shut the door and then before that solution i was just opening and closing it everytime i went in and out, she hates that too. Is there anything I can do to the alarm like tape over it or put a sticky note so that it doesnt ping while im up at night?

    TLDR; Is there any way I can temporarily cover or disable the censor to a door to avoid a bitching from my mom every night when i need to get food or use the bathroom

    submitted by /u/buterfliekisie
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    Some essential cybersecurity advice

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:33 PM PST

    So having seen someone on here lose a shit-ton of money from overcomplicating their network and getting hacked, I felt I should make my advice generally available for anyone on here.

    Hope it's useful :-)

    I am fairly knowledgeable of cyber security and here is my advice for how to be nigh unhackable:

    1. Don't ever log into a website or enter bank details without being sure it's the right website and a reputable company.

    2. Don't click links you get sent if you can avoid it. If you must, then check where it goes (hover over it and you should see in bottom left of your screen a URL pops up)

    3. Don't give away personal info via email, phone or social media without being sure who you are talking to.

    4. Don't mess around with network settings if you can avoid it. Windows Defender is all you need in terms of firewall and antivirus so long as you have up-to-date Windows 10.

    5. Don't download things from dodgy places if you can avoid it. If you must, run a scan after doing so and always check that it is the file type it claims to be. Beware of .EXE, .DLL, or .BAT files! Only programs and viruses have these and avoid installing programs from dodgy places.

    6. Use a credit card instead of a debit card when shopping online.

    7. If your bank card gets stolen or your bank account gets hacked, report the card stolen and deactivate it.

    8. If you're unsure, always always always ask someone experienced. If their advice is super complicated, they're probably a cocky whizz kid who's making things worse.

    9. Have a password on your WiFi.

    If you follow this advice I literally can't think of a way someone could hack you or defraud you.

    Note, if you hook up internet-connected security devices to your network, you'll need to make sure they're properly configured. I can't help you with that, but this will cover you in computer terms.

    submitted by /u/That_R3ddit0r
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    Trouble with home security company

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:47 PM PST

    Recently I signed a contract with a security company to install a security video vigilance system.

    They said they were going to install this bullet model


    But they ended installing this domo model:


    They said the domo model is better but I am not sure. What do you think?

    It is for a garage with not too much light. Thanks in avance!

    submitted by /u/CrlsPrz0
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    Looking for a simple, single-camera, offline-only setup

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for a pretty barebones security camera setup that respects my privacy and doesn't require a smartphone app or need a working Internet connection to function.

    I can't run power to the camera, so it would need to be battery-powered.

    I want the camera to be outdoors, and I would like a base station / camera pair so that if the camera gets stolen, I don't lose any of the footage.

    I don't want "cloud integration" or "mobile notifications" or "an app". A functional web interface that works on my local network would be perfect. I just want to be able to save my video to a SD card, USB HDD, or NAS.

    submitted by /u/secondhandweapon
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    Motion detection alarm on timer?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Hi all! I'm having trouble with folks in front of my business at night doing illegal activity. Is there a motion detecting alarm that can be set to only off during specific hours? We are in operation after dark so one that's based on sunlight won't work. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/bananabananacat
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    Does anyone have any experience/feedback/suggestions for smart home security devices?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

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