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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Home Improvement: Switch mystery solved!

    Home Improvement: Switch mystery solved!

    Switch mystery solved!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Hello fellow Home Improvementians!

    Just wanted to share that since we moved in 3 years ago, there has been a triple light switch plate in our front foyer that I only know what two of them do. Of course we have scoured the house, plugged lamps into all the outlets and nothing seemed connected to it. Well with the holidays coming I have been sprucing up the insides to accommodate the exactly zero people we will be hosting over the next few weeks. Part of that included painting the living room and replacing all the outlets and switches.

    Well I took off the plate for the first time since moving in (since the previous owners painted it on, so so couldn't take it off until I was willing to paint the whole room...) and I finally know what it was wired to!


    Absolutely nothing!

    There was a switch screwed into the box, just taking up space. No old wires or anything, just a switch with zero purpose. I should note we have a relatively small house, and the other two are lights for inside the foyer and outside the front door, so this has always been a bit of a mystery for me as I can't even imagine what the third one would have been for.

    Nevertheless, it took me over two years to paint and replace the switches (to be fair, my wife only bought the paint 8 months ago...) so I wasn't about to yank the box out and replace it with a double and add plaster work to the list. So I replaced it with a more modern switch to nowhere so as to baffle the next homeowner (who honestly will probably just tear this crap hole down).

    Thanks for listening to my story :)

    submitted by /u/Shellbyvillian
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    Can't replace kitchen faucet cause I can't reach the nut

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Just moved in, started replacing some hardware and got issues with the kitchen faucet. It's one of those fancy farm-style sinks and on top of that there's RO system under the sink. There's only about 4" gap between rear wall and the sink wall and I can't even stick my hand there. Is there a tool or something I need to use?


    submitted by /u/onebadmofo
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    What should I do about my leaked ceiling?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:09 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Long story short. I am a first-time home owner. Recently I spotted some water damage from my ceiling and it's coming from a leaky rooftop. My HOA is going to repair the exterior but the interior part will be my responsibility. Here are some pictures of the affected area:



    After the source of leakage was addressed properly, what should I do with my stained ceiling? I am thinking about following:

    1. sand down the old paint and repaint the ceiling
    2. if painting won't work, ignore it for now if it is only an aesthetic issue
    3. hire a pro to fix it (some suggest the ceiling needed to be cut out and replaced. This seems very costly.)

    I got this home right before covid happens and are really short on cash. So I want to do it in most cost-saving way if possible. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/anxl1008
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    Is it a bad idea to buy expensive drill bits for a cheaper drill?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    My brother in law gave me a Ryobi drill set w an impactor, the neon green house brand of Home Depot. How is this brand? I will be using it very sparingly, just for basic hobby related projects like mounting stuff on my kayak and around the house.

    I am looking to get a pretty comprehensive set of drill/screwdriver bits but most of the budget ones and even the mid grade sets have reviews talking about how mediocre the quality is. I'd rather spend a little more and get some decent ones, as you only get one shot at drilling a hole and the screwdriver bits strip easily.

    What brand/material would you recommend? I've been looking at Dewalt. Is it a waste to buy such nice bits for a mid grade drill? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Confident_Ad5472
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    Tankless Water Heater Advice

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Hello r/HomeImprovement!

    This is my first time posting here, so please forgive me if this topic has been discussed at length, but I'm looking for some advice on Tankless Water Heaters. Our current water heater is on its last leg having been patched up a few times, so now it feels time to upgrade.

    I'm a little lost on what size/power (?) I should get for a tankless and curious about what brands are recommended.

    I've looked into getting one at Home Depot and using their professional installation services, but I wonder if that's the best method or if I should have an independent company install it?

    Any advice would be great, or even direction to a reliable review site.

    Thank you kindly!

    submitted by /u/TheSamanda
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    Pitted hardwood floor repair from rolling chair

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Failed to consider the damage on my hardwood floors from my rolling office chair while working from home these past four months. Failed to get a floor protector, and now the area around my desk is worn down. How can I fix it?

    submitted by /u/jjlovesthearmy
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    Peg board installation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Im installing a peg board in the garage. Looking online I found two different and opposite instructions.

    1 set of instructions said to mount the furring strips to the studs using 3/4 screws and then mount the board to the strips using 3 inch screws

    A second set of instructions said to mount the furring strips to the studs using the 3 inch screws and then mount the board to the strips using 3/4 screws

    So....which one is it?


    submitted by /u/charge556
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    My master bath tile shower is approximately 5 years old and I haven’t sealed the grout since the install. How screwed am I?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:30 AM PST


    submitted by /u/kfcBlake
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    (First time homeowner) Our pocket door is stuck

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    We just moved into our first house and have a pocket door that slides back only to a point. You can see in the photos that there's about a foot left until it hits something and won't go any further.

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to take the door out and fix the problem without getting myself into more trouble (door sliding off the rails, not being able to replace the door, etc.)

    Maybe I'm over thinking it but any insight would be helpful. Thank you guys.

    imgur link to the four photos

    submitted by /u/TeddFundy
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    House Water is Causing Chemical Burns

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    We just moved into a rental house. There is a salt exchange soft water system installed. The water gave our dog a chemical burn. It has also given us skin irritation after showering and mouth tingling/burning. The landlord seems to be puzzled. Any suggestions of a cause would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/daddyjcole
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    Advice on updating this dated upstairs area?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Im buying a house with a large upstairs area we plan to use as a master bedroom. I.. hate it.. to say the least. My dad thinks the wood is wonderful and it would look nice with a coat of white paint.

    What would you do to update this? I'm unsure if I want to keep or remove it. Definitely replacing the carpet and hopefully the ugly railing as well.

    Edit: also what is with imgur comments?


    submitted by /u/smelyal8r
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    Crack in wall and ceiling

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Edited after seeing comment about load bearing walls

    Suddenly noticed a crack in the wall and ceiling - https://imgur.com/gallery/K45PUOX

    The ceiling is in the area where a beam was relocated from below to above ceiling in the attic. The crack in the ceiling is nearly exactly where the old laundry room existed. The picture of the house with lavender walls is before remodel and the laundry room door can be seen in white backset.

    The wall is still plaster afaik. We did the home remodel last year before moving in and the house was originally built in 1948 with additions subsequently.

    Question is - is this structural all damage or cracks because the house is settling?

    submitted by /u/jmt211a
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    HVAC contractor cut two beams without asking. I want to replace the bracing effect somehow

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Hi everyone. Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask but I'm having a really hard time figuring out exactly what these roof parts were doing. I'd really appreciate any and all advice you may have.

    Our HVAC contractor cut two different beams without asking me first:

    • A 0.5" x 4" x 12-15ft rafter tie https://imgur.com/a/sFAMJRO
      • They cut the lower beam and nailed it higher, creating the higher beam in these photos. This was sitting on top of a wooden structure you can see a little bit, and clearly was supporting some weight as the wood was splintered a bit on the end. There were 3 of these on this section of the roof, and they cut the middle one. Now that the furnace is there, we can't just replace this as it was.
    • A small "blocking" beam between two rafters in the very corner of the house: https://imgur.com/a/3YgZXqh
      • This was just a 2x4 nailed between two of the rafters. There is a separate piece of wood that the rafters themselves are sitting on underneath.
    submitted by /u/bounceyboy
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    Switch to grounded 3 prongs now or later?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    We're buying a house and in the first floor living room and 2 kid bedrooms, most of the outlets are non grounded 2 prongs. Each room has a 3 prong but they are probably not grounded.

    We want to paint these rooms before we move in but maybe we should have the new outlets and wiring done first since they may have to do some things to the walls?

    We're in Seattle.

    submitted by /u/Pikaus
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    Vinyl plank tongue and groove unclicked half way. Must I redo?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:27 PM PST

    We installed a vinyl plank installation above old floors. Turns out there is a piece in the middle of the room that is not completely linked into the groove. What can I do? Do I have to redo?

    Last pic is a good link https://imgur.com/a/Nup7lbn

    submitted by /u/Helpmeny
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    Value of Adding a Front Porch Portico

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    My wife tells me that adding a front porch portico adds no value to a house when comparing to others in the same neighborhood and price range. She's a broker in NC. I disagree! She tells me this after I finished the project. Several Amazon deliveries sat out in the rain. Now that I built this portico, packages stay dry. My dog loves to sit under it and wait for the next UPS or FedEx delivery person.

    I figure it adds $10K in value for the curb appeal alone. It cost me about $2,500 and took about 3 weekends to build. Glad to share the before and after photos if/when I can figure out how to attach them to this thread.

    I'd be happy to share the tricks, lessons and best practices learned while constructing, roofing, and painting it, including the modification of the original iron railings.

    submitted by /u/BuckSchneider
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    What are these lights called??

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Looking to install these accent lights on top of my garage like this house. What are those lights? Flood lights?



    submitted by /u/subwinds
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    Where to buy slab, frameless, gloss kitchen cabinets?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Hi, all— we would like to remodel our kitchen on our own. We have some handy family members who are going to help, but we're looking for advice about where we can order cabinets directly. All big box stores have minimal options. We are looking for a very modern,slab, gloss style. Any retail recommendations?

    submitted by /u/sbeth909
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    Where can I buy this special toilet seat? (Canada)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:48 PM PST


    Friend who purchased a home in our small town Canada... Looking for a 2 in 1 toilet seat for her toddler because the detachable potty seats don't fit properly. So far amazon was not helpful and she's not having luck with random Google search.

    submitted by /u/motherofsunflowers
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    Circuit panel boo boo? Help diagnosing a problem.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:41 PM PST

    I'll hire an electrician tomorrow, but I'd like to know what the realm of possibilities are before I then (Sunday here).

    New (to me) house. Circa 1947 construction. Had to do some light work so turned off the circuit breaker at the panel as is appropriate. No issues there.

    Problem occurred when I asked my spouse to figure out what the various circuit breakers were (panel almost entirely unlable, and in some cases mislabeled). I (we) did nothing at the panel other than switch a breaker off, look for effects, switch it back on.

    At some point, a whole bunch of lights and outlets are out. All circuit breakers are in the correct position. No GFCI outlets involved. What is involved is some old wiring (two outside wall outlets, and the switch to the front entry way light outside) and several new outlets and overhead LR lighting from a remodel (previous owners).. in other words, if these are all on the same circuit, which seems likely, it's old wiring and new stuff. And this was unpermitted work.

    I don't touch panels. I'll get an electrician to tell come in and help figure out if any breakers themselves are bad. If not, then trace where the short is and fix.

    So, what might have happened? Switching off and on the breakers, even a couple of times, should not have had this effect.


    submitted by /u/purpledust
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    Screw size for framing in 2x2 balusters, 45° on bottom + toenailed on top

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Hi all - I stripped out the dividing wall in my newly purchased duplex, which I'm converting back into a single family home. The wall along the stairs used to be there purely to separate the units, and was ultra-thin particle on one side (maybe 1/8"), and 1/2" drywall on the other side, on a frame of spf 2x2's. I smashed out the boards, and while the frame isn't gorgeous, I'm liking the idea of simply framing it in with all vertical 2x2's, 4" between them, all the way to the ceiling. New 2x2's are cedar (old pine's getting filled, sanded, and painted white). Bottoms are joined on 45° angles, and I'm toenailing the screws at the top.

    I think my usual flathead #8 2 1/2" screws might be overkill. It's also not really a "frame" in that they're really balusters, no blocking, so I do worry a lot more about pull-out strength, hence why I went screws not nails. Should I be okay to go down to a #6 2 1/4"? Am I going too deep with these 2 1/2"'s? My first couple screws split (went in raw), so I pilot holed and countersunk after and those look pretty great.

    tl;dr what screw would you reach for if you were toenailing on a frame made of 2x2s?

    Thanks all!


    submitted by /u/jkoudys
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    Want to make sure I'm not getting ripped off on this fence deal

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Long story short, our fence needs replacing and the neighbor and I have decided to split it. He wanted to do a brick wall, and I don't mind doing that either.

    The contracter says he'll do it for $3600 ($1800 each), and it's for about 65 feet. That'll include taking away the old fence, etc. Brick wall will be about 6 feet high. This is in CA.

    For anyone that has done this before, does that seem like an ok deal?

    submitted by /u/EnoughSky
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    Total newbie here. Noticed today that ceiling has a medium sized water stain ring all of a sudden. It's raining fairly hard here tonight and will rain all of tomorrow too. How soon will this turn into a leak?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST

    Does anyone know? The ceiling has a medium sized brown ring with discoloration inside. This is a popcorn ceiling.

    How much time do I have before the water starts dripping in, does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/maknchease
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