• Breaking News

    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Home security: PSA: dont get a dog just for scaring off burglars

    Home security: PSA: dont get a dog just for scaring off burglars

    PSA: dont get a dog just for scaring off burglars

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    When I was in high school I volunteered at an animal shelter and the stories are very sad. Some of the dogs were purchased for "protection" and when they didn't act "scary enough" they were thrown away. Conversely, some dogs were "too scary" to have around the kids. Every thread seems to suggest buying a dog as a means of protection. Dogs are pets and they are a 10-15 year commitment. Dogs need attention and love and walks and play, they aren't inanimate tools.

    There are devices you can buy that make dog barking sounds and are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and easier than owning a dog.

    submitted by /u/Concept666
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    Any tips on how to secure my back garden?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    My house got cased.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    Today my S/O told me she heard footsteps and doorknob wiggles on our property last night (Quiet neighborhood in Nashville, so I believe it) and now I'm spooked. I crashed out early and she said this was around 2 AM. Our neighborhood stays quiet, mostly older retired people away from all the gentrified/hood garbage, I'm vigilant during the day and have a good eye for people who don't belong. She didn't know any better to call 911 or wake me up. What are some precautions I can take with our home that will help deter would-be criminals? Obviously I have the means to defend, but I pray push never comes to shove. I could call the police if it happens again, but by then it's too late. All opinions welcome. Just want to sleep and not worry.

    submitted by /u/dillonb3nnett
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    I'm concerned I'm too heavy of a sleeper. Any solutions?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    So recently I found out just how heavy of a sleeper I am. A heavy picture fell off a wall and tumbled down linoleum steps the other night. Woke up my wife and kid, not me. She said it was crazy loud and couldn't believe it didn't wake me up.

    And just last night, my kid woke up and had potty issues and my wife and kid were making all kinds of racket In the bathroom just outside the bedroom. At one point my kid was crying. I never woke up during the whole thing.

    I'm now worried that if someone tried or even succeeded in breaking into my house that I might not wake up in time to do anything about it.

    Are any of you heavy sleepers like me? Any solutions?

    submitted by /u/wadesauce369
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    Moved into house with parts of a camera system

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    So like the title says, I moved into a home built pretty recently (2015). The house has 7 cameras on the exterior/interior that are all wired. The 7 coax wires lead to a closet in my basement as I found out yesterday. I am wondering what I need in order to get the cameras working. I would ideally want something where I can have both a monitor in my home with the 7 cameras up and also be able to have some sort of app on my phone where I can check the cameras when I'm not home. Any help is appreciated. TIA

    Cameras and cables: https://imgur.com/gallery/hLlzkZQ

    submitted by /u/CV1991
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    Help Defend an Island Nation

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    If you are interested in joining a (hopefully) newly formed island nation then this is the place to be.

    the subbreddit is reddit.com/r/theredditnation

    I have prepared a plan that explains how we will go about doing such a task. More detailed elaborations for each component of the plan will be given at request.

    Obviously the first question is where we would have our island. I have identified places of interest. One place of interest is the Nation of Belize. Belize is a small nation with a low GDP of 2 Billion and they are selling off most of their island. Islands with 50-100 acres can be acquired for around 500,000; give or take 50,000. From the people (Government Officials) I have contacted, they are perfectly okay with this plan.

    Now here is a 5 step proposal of how this will come to fruition (I will expand on how we will finance this)

    1. Acquire the island
    2. Set up the initial infrastructure

      1. Form of Government that I propose is a constitutional monarchy (for now I will be the "king")
        1. Country will be run as a democracy (two chamber form of parliament)
        2. Noble titles such as Duke, Earl, Count, Lord, Baron etc will be sold off to help initially finance the island.
      2. Establishment of the Government Building
        1. For now this is where the government will convene until more infrastructure is added and the island is improved.
        2. People will be made citizens at this location
      3. Establishment of Civil Services
        1. Waste collection, Police, Social Services
      4. Establishment of a Port
        1. This will allow supplies to enter the island.
        2. This will allow for the island to participate with the rest of the world economically(I will expand on this later).
        3. The port will function as the entrance point and exit until the runway can be constructed.
      5. Establishment of Resident Housing
        1. This temporary housing will be until the island can be developed and more permanent buildings can be put up.
        2. Resident Housing and the Government building will be set up near the port until island development is completed
      6. Set up a massive solar powered crypto mining operation to help finance further development of the island
        1. A partnership with big mining companies can be brokered to have this set up
    3. Make the Island a desirable location

      1. Set up the island as a luxury city
        1. Free housing for citizens
        2. Free healthcare for citizens
        3. Free schooling and university for citizens
      2. Build resorts and legalize gambling on the island
        1. The revenue generated from such activities will help finance further development of the island
        2. With the revenue generated from this, the island will be able to provide for the residents a luxury city
        3. The gambling industry investments will help to finance the island as well
      3. Make the island a banking haven
        1. Set up a bank on the island
        2. No KYC laws will be enforced on the island
        3. This will attract forgien investment into the island
      4. Allow cryptocurrency companies to conduct business without oversight and for miners to set up large scale operations using solar powered energy
      5. No income tax,sales tax, capital gains tax or corporate on the island
        1. Commercial businesses such as casinos, resorts, and banks will just pay slightly inflated property taxes
        2. This will help attract a lot more forgien investment as well
        3. Will attract companies to set up offices here and thus bring jobs to the island.
    4. Expand on the island infrastructure

      1. Build an airport. The islands have enough space to accommodate runways for planes even up to jumbo jets
      2. Build more free luxury housing for residents
      3. Establish schools and universities
      4. Establish libraries
      5. Establish Museums
      6. Establish a healthcare system
    5. Enjoy the luxury haven of an Island that we have built

    Now for the question of how much this island will cost and how we will get the funding

    According to my calculations (you can look at them below) it will cost us $2,600,000

    • The Island itself

      • 500,000
    • The Port

      • 200,000 to build
        • This will benefit us later when we receive forgien investments
      • 500,000 for 250 passenger ferry
        • We will budget around 100,000 for operating costs
    • Initial Buildings

      • 1,000,000
        • These buildings will be permanently built but occupied until the island is built and then will be sold off to recoup the investment.
        • Buildings include
    • Civil Services

      • Around 50,000 to purchase initial equipment and medical supplies
      • Another 100,000 to purchase ATVs
      • Another 100,000 to purchase off roading vehicles
    • Bitcoin mining operation

      • We will get the money for the operation by partnering with a large company
    • Water Purification

      • 50,000
    • Food Supply

      • We will purchase MRE's and other preserved food products for the island
      • An exact count of this cannot be made until we move further into the plan
    • Further development of the island

      • This will be financed by the forgien investments in regards to banking, gambling and tourism along with money raised from property taxes

    Now in regards to how we will raise that sum

    • We will sell off noble titles (this is why we will set up a constitutional monarchy)

      • While no price has been established yet, the titles for sale can include
        • Duke, Duchess.
        • Marquess, Marchioness.
        • Earl, Countess.
        • Viscount, Viscountess.
        • Baron, Baroness.
    • A small percentage of the island (less than 25%) will be earmarked for sale immediately. The part earmarked for sale will be part of the planned downtown district/capital and developers of this land will be allowed to build whatever structures they want and won't have the problem of jumping through hoops like zoning laws.

      • On a 60 acre island, 15 acres would be marked for sale
        • The acres on this haven of an island will be sold for 250,000 each so the island would raise 4.5 million and the sale of said acres will help kickstart the massive infrastructure of the island and provide the island with adequate funding.
    • Once the island is set up, the island will continue to profit from digital activities which will allow it to not have to charge an income tax or corporate tax

      • Digital activities include the solar powered bitcoin mining operation
        • We will partner with an existing bitcoin company for this
      • Solar powered web hosting
    • People can become citizens for a fee of $10 which will mainly go to the printing of their ID and filing in the government archives but the island will profit a few dollars off of this

    If you have made it this far, please join the subreddit

    More information to come soon, thank you

    submitted by /u/OGKebabEater
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    Sharing street view camera.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I was considering sharing my camera video feed to the neighbors. What are some things I need to research before opening it up to the internet?


    submitted by /u/JJL7
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    Newbie interested in Wireless Contact Motion Sensor w/ Camera

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Long story very short: quarantine in NYC has got my roommate (he's a man, I'm a woman) behaving funky, and after multiple hostile interactions I found my bedroom door unlocked upon coming home one night. My personal items are all accounted for, so I worry he maybe put some sort of surveillance in my room, which is a whole other animal I'm not sure how to address.

    I have gotten plenty of suggestions on dealing with him on a daily basis and how/when to involve police, I've got a lawyer as well, and have a support system that checks in often. So to keep the thread on track, I'm just looking for tech based security measures!

    I want a wireless security system that would allow me to put a camera up with a view of my bedroom door from the outside (I won't have cameras in my bedroom, non-negotiable), as well as a contact sensor that would alert me via app when my door is opened. I would also like to be able to view the video camera from an app. I have a cat, so pet safe is also important, but the sensor ideally would only go off when the door is actually opened. My budget is flexible, but I'm looking to keep this as cheap as possible while also getting something that works. Under $250.

    Any help is much appreciated, thank you and I hope you're all staying safe during this time too.

    submitted by /u/TA0279
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    Old alarm sounder wiring

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hello, i hope everyone is well, safe and sane after all these days in isolation.

    I salvaged an old alarm sounder a while ago which I am planning to use along with an arduino project.This is a whole other story so first things first.

    As you can see in the image the sounder calls for 12V and 0V connection. Does that mean AC or DC? I tried to use a 12V DC adaptor I had but it didn't work. I had no smoke (that's good i guess), sound nor any lights coming up. Does that mean it either needs 12VAC or it was broken when i found it or it needs another connection along voltage to work? Any suggestions?

    A google search didn't reveal any manuals or diagrams. A few forum posts came up but no real help there.



    submitted by /u/nmytilin
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    Sketchy car in our neighborhood?!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    So my friend (who also lives next to me) called me at midnight tonight to tell me a car followed her into our gate. She said he had his lights off prior to following her into the neighborhood gate.

    I saw the car and he sat at our mailboxes for a good 30 minutes with the lights off. He then slowly moved forward to a house next to here. There were two guys who stood by the car and got out, one guy walked around for a little and went back into the car.

    They then sped pretty fast outside the gate afterwards.

    She called the police and reported the vehicle. Are we being paranoid or what could they be doing?

    submitted by /u/SimplyASMR
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    So before y'all judge let me explain. I am 15 and my mom works nights so I am home alone with my little bro some nights. In the case that someone tries to break into my house I am prepared to defend my little bro and myself. Yes the shield is for airsoft but I tested it and it can take a beating.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Security Cams

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am currently using some Wyze v2 cams for outside, but it seems they mihgt not be the best choice for the front of the house. Too many false triggers. I want to move these to the back yard. I am looking for some good wireless outdoor cams that do motion detection or people detection (the Wyze does pixel change for motion and I get a lot of false triggers due to headlights reflecting off my car ahd oh the ground) and that will allow me to setup dead zones (not a deal breaker). Cloud storage would be nice, but I wouldn't mind adding my own NAS for recording stoeage later on. Comparability with Tinycam Pro is a must.


    submitted by /u/edtx409
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    Has anyone used the Gryphon Guardian protective internet router?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    My kid now has to use a browser for school, something we're not happy about but can't avoid because of the way his teacher is structuring assignments. Has anyone ever used the Gryphon Guardian system?

    I'm wondering if it actually does what it says, how often its updated, and how much it affects internet speeds.

    submitted by /u/HobGadlingson
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