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    Home Improvement: Found an old spoon while working

    Home Improvement: Found an old spoon while working

    Found an old spoon while working

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I found a spoon twelve inches deep while digging a trench at my house. I was able to track it down and found out it was made in 1910! My house was built in 1900.

    submitted by /u/tnoisaw
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    Found treasure during demolition

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Going completely mad or no? Multiple high pitch sounds in house.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Last year I allowed myself to suffer through whatever had caused me Pneumonia for almost 3 months. As time progressed, I started getting what I'm told is tinnitus and the sounds became many and louder. I'd begin to hear them in wave scale patterns (similar to a psilocybin trip). I attribute the beginning of that to my now ex wife who literally antagonized to the point of a meltdown, I could feel the mass amounts of fluids in my ear canal and I believed the fluid was amplifying whatever noises I was hearing, sort of sounded like a higher pitched version of a dog whistle? Anyways, a few weeks of hearing sounds like this and believing I was having auditory hallucinations go to the ER, diagnoses pneumonia, took my antibiotics as instructed. The noise still persisted, though the pressure from the fluids was physically gone, and I no longer heard the sound scales (a single noise moving up and down on pitch/frequency continuously distorting whatever sound is around). Flash forward a year later; I'm in the house by myself now. She is still a source of great stress but nowhere near that point. The high pitch sounds obviously get louder when the noise pollution settles around me. House was built in the 60s, half of the outlets are two prong and I suspect some of the grounded outlets arent hooked up properly. I hear a few main ones all Over the house and while walking around it. I do have a lot of antique and new power tools though none have been plugged in for a while. There is an old breaker box in the garage that used threads to tighten whatever those are called into it. There is no increase of decrease in the level of severity while in the garage. I have a shop light plugged into the outlet above the garage opener which I have narrowed down to the 90s, early at that. The only relief from the sound is under my drafting tables / work table (do a little bit of woodworking and turning), and I have to tilt me head so my ears are parallel with the cement floor and underneath a metal and hardwood table. Opening in the ceiling to the attic is completely exposed. This is dominant in my left ear, I have to put a finger basically inside of the canal in order for the right ear to honestly register the sounds. I do have an old... radio tower? Protruding up to the heavens right next to my garage, it has coaxial attaches to it and runs to the house but isnt connected physically as the cord has been severed. There is also a dish on the roof above the garage. I'll try peaking my head up in the attic but I refuse to use an A Frame ladder by myself. Wiring to the garage opener is from ancient hippy times I think, it also doesn't seem to be professionally connected above the opener either. A light fixture in the ceiling has no cover on the wires and those look old as well. Light isn't on, shop light is but I've turned that off with no effect. I can hear the sounds throughout the house and most places aren't any better than any other (negligible). I know to check the breaker at the next earliest convenience, the door bell is a plug in wireless (and I haven't seen the receiving unit that plugs in for over a year), the old phone line is still ran around though not connected inside the house to anything. Anybody have any ideas? I am told I have hyperacusis, varying types of misophonia, had a near fatal collision where my forehead had an extreme hello to the back of a passenger seat, been to more all night raves and Electronica shows without hearing protection than I've had sexual Congress with my ex wife (together 5 years), ADHD, likely had several bacterial infections, constantly tired in lots of specific places, self diagnosed PTSD from my previous marital relationship (and likely other trauma I'm repressing) and my last girlfriend (masters in sociology and psychology) wholly believes that as well. As a very young child I would get sick at concerts I was dragged to. But I digress, I would love to source even one of these sounds and cease its existence. Having PTSD in the house I was tortured in, being all alone and a night person, don't watch TV or listen to music currently because I feel generally sick most of the time. The sounds are making me extremely paranoid and is just adding to the unpleasant thought loops. At least when I try focusing on on the hunt of these sounds I am distracted enough to not feel like I may die. I've been able to isolate at least the whistling from some of the vents in the house but they are nowhere near the frequency of the particular sounds I am trying to focus on. Aside from power on/of, is there a way to physically test anything? Is there anything I should be testing? I do believe a lot of the metal all over the house from wires and garage opener, old breaker, ceiling fans, water pipes are some how connected to each Other even if it's indirectly. I'll be able to test the breaker after my nephew leaves for work at midnight. I'm not even sure if this belongs in the home improvement thread after all this rambling 😂 but probably a good chance some of it will be mitigated upon repair. I can differentiate the vehicles outside and the biomedical plant about 6 blocks away and the cold storage delivery company the opposite direction about 3-4 blocks away? They are semi-specific and I have faith my ears have been sensitive enough to their particular sounds. The only shared symptoms in the household are the lethargy or fatigue, my nephew rarely feels motives as do I, I love crafting things and somehow here it's hard to get going and working in my shop. Even the cats seem lackluster. Nephew can't hear any of it. Least not the high pitch sounds. Any tips on where to begin? Or how to continue? I have a lot of attachment to this house and don't want to leave. Starting to become desperate. First I thought it was the stress of being back and constantly worried I was going to get a fist in the face every time I walked around a corner or stepped through a doorway. But I am over that I think. I apologize for rambling and if this ended up in the wrong part of reddit. My goal is to fix whatever is wrong with the house to eliminate the problem. Thanks in advance and I look forward to following the dialogue about to take place. Be very specific if possible as I am an alternative learner.

    submitted by /u/ChewyChiclett
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    Does anyone know what these bugs are?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    They're like swarming around my house and they're super annoying. Every time I take trash out to the garbage containers or go towards my shed, they're all on the outside of my house and get in your face. Also if you know what they are, do you know what I can do to get rid of them? I'm in central California for reference. picture of the bug

    submitted by /u/livingsimplee
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    Decent cheap furnace filters?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Can't seem to decide which filters to get. I don't need anything high end because we don't have dust issues or allergies. I'd rather have better airflow than something that filters every little micron out.

    I plan on changing every 3 weeks during summer/winter and once during fall/spring so I don't need anything fancy, especially since I don't need to run it much living in SoCal.

    What are you favorite cheapo filters that won't collapse or whistle?

    submitted by /u/10_FeetHigher
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    Adding rafter ties to an existing structure

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Hi all. I'm trying to find the best way to add rafter ties to my old garage. The sides have started to bow out slightly (not bad for a 90 year old garage) and I live in an area that does see some snow load. I have some 20ft 2x10s that will make the span but I can't seem to make enough room to actually get them up and over the top plate. I'm not looking to put any load or build anything on top of these rafter ties. I just want my garage to be a little more structurally sound.

    Maybe wood is the wrong way to go? Turn buckle ties?

    Edit: I have what appears to be some sort of uncle bob "rafter ties" from the previous owner. I think they were more going for cross supports for their makeshift storage area, which I promptly removed (but left the cross support/"rafter tie" thing.)

    Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/9Olnltf

    submitted by /u/LUNCHTlME
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    Rusting dishwasher racks - hopeless?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Our dishwasher racks have developed rust in a few places despite the fact that the dishwasher is only about 8 years old. Does anyone know if there is a good way to patch up the rust without creating a situation where chemical residue will be left on our dishes after washing? I am guessing there is no easy way to do it. If that is right, and decide to leave things as they are, is there any health risk to continue to wash our dishes in that environment? Might as well get as much life as possible out of them before we need to replace them. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/storiesinvancouver
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    PLEASE help me surprise my wife who is a RN, working on a Covid floor. She's sleeping like crap because it's so hot. I want to surprise her with an AC window unit and must use a DIY frame. I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I have no idea what I'm doing, but this is my plan. Please tell me if I can change anything to do a better job.

    I made an alt because I want to surprise her and don't want her seeing my main account.

    We have a window that slides left to right. I have a regular up and down AC window unit, and we can't afford to buy a new vertical window unit.

    Here is my plan to DIY it, and make it fit.

    My AC measurements are as follows.(I took the accordion panels off.)
    18" 9/16th Wide
    12" 5/6th Tall

    The inside of my window track is 57.5 inches tall. It's actually a little taller, but I am going to use foam or caulk on the top where there is a gap. It was hard to get an exact measurement so I went a little under.

    I am going to use 2x4s to make a frame, and fill in the negative space left by the unit.
    Pic related. https://imgur.com/oJ9Np6v

    After I get the frame built, I'm going to measure the negative space above the window unit, and get some plywood cut and attach wood on both sides. I'll probably use wood glue for this because I have a shit ton left from an old project.

    For the 2x4 above the window unit, I'm going to try and find a way to attach it to my AC, without damaging it. Not likely though because the AC is flat on top.

    I bought a support bracket. My window doesn't have an outside ledge to attach the support bracket to. I have a ledge on the inside of my window I can attach it too though.

    I will have to drill through the window frame to attach the bracket. When I knock on it, it feels like metal. Very hard. Though it could be plastic because I again, have no idea what I'm doing. I'm going to install the bracket so there is a slight downward tilt, so the window unit can drain. I will use either caulk or foam under the window unit where there are any gaps.

    I have some self drilling screws that are wood to metal. They are self tapping and 2.75" long.

    I am going to attach the frame together with some dry wall screws(2.5" long). I plan to pre drill the holes.

    The AC support bracket comes with some screws. I don't think they aren't strong enough to drill into the window frame. I may have to buy a drill bit, but hopefully the self tapping screws are small enough to fit in the holes.

    I also plan to drill the self tapping screws into the side of the wood frame and window frame, to ensure the frame doesn't move. I'm going to pre drill holes in the wood, and let the self tapping screw do its thing on the window frame.

    Depending how much room I have left around the top of my window and wood, I may put some screws going up too. I may just caulk it to ensure it's air tight. I think it'd be a pain to get the foam installed correctly, if there are screws in the way.

    Any changes that anyone could recommend? I'm open to any suggestion and even scrapping the whole idea if there is an easier way. I already have the wood cut and screws purchased so I'm not sure how much easier it can be compared to what I have now.

    submitted by /u/PleaseHelpMyRN
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    I had new laundry plumbing installed in my garage and the sewage drain is coming out the wall . What’s the best way to seal the hole ?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Large height difference between rooms.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I removed a partition wall between the living room and kitchen and we want to put the same flooring all throughout. The problem is that the living room is about an inch lower. I know I could put some plywood down, but that's going to cost a few hundred and be a huge pain in the ass. Any ideas of how to raise a wooden subfloor close to an inch?

    submitted by /u/THUNDER_poop
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    Found a stash of multimeters

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Im in the middle of renovating my partially finished basement. I found a stash of og Fluke multimeters behind a wall. All of them work save 5 and most are brand new. Originally these would've been worth between $5-6k. Should be able to get about a grand from the better ones and I'll give away the rest.


    submitted by /u/TheWhiteKnyt
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    Removing stain from brick wall

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT


    This is what the discoloration looks like. Does anyone know a good way to get this off. I have already tried a wire brush with soap and water, and it did nothing! Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/GIX1108
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    Does anyone know what this style of door is called?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Door: https://i.imgur.com/AUhKnAn.jpg

    I am thinking about replacing my bedroom door with a solid core version to better block out my nocturnal teenagers, but I'm having a hard time finding the magic descriptive name to search for this style.

    submitted by /u/chadcf
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    Work has been slow so I took the day off and jumped into a small project

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:59 PM PDT


    My yard is really sandy and when I put my pool up a few weeks ago for the kids, it's been a mess. I heard on the radio yesterday Lowe's was running 5 for $10 on mulch so I grabbed 15 bags, 60' of landscape edging, 50' x 3" landscaping fabric (cut in half for 100' x 1.5") and 75 fabric staples.

    Started around noon today by marking 18" out from the pool all the way around, raked out the grass and set up the edge. Ran out with about 20' to go so I had my wife grab another 20' roll and some weed/grass killer on her way home. Finished up the edge and sprayed about an inch outside the edging and inside the whole thing with the killer. Let it dry and then laid my fabric. Thought I had way too much mulch but ended up using every bit of it.

    Ended up running back up to Lowe's and grabbing 9 of the 12" x 12" white stepping stones to make a pad for the ladder. I have to complete that tomorrow, it got dark.

    Anyways, didn't turn out too bad for about 8 hours of work. Paid the puppy tax since she was my helper today, lounging in the sun.

    submitted by /u/uoYredruM
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    Tacking down carpet between doors

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I have a seam of carpet between two doors that's getting beat up and stringy. I've found metal strips but they're all really long, and I have nothing to cut them with. Do they make any that fit between door frames? What are they called?

    submitted by /u/theonlyfeditrust
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    6 KWh spike for 30 minutes - phantom usage

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I just bought a Rainforest Eagle 200 to help identify why my monthly power bill is so high. And now I see something very suspicious. Today at around 3pm and again around midnight I recorded a 6KWh spike for about 30 minutes each.

    I really need help figuring this out. I'm in San Francisco using PGE power.

    To be clear, gas water heater, gas home heater, no AC, and we're in bed - no kitchen usage (dishwasher not running either). No bathroom appliances being used. Nothing!


    Edit: realized that my 240v dryer circuit could support this: was unplugged. And my hot tub 240v could support this, will turn off breaker.

    Edit: probably hot tub...

    submitted by /u/tryingtodim
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    Suggestions for hiding grooved trailer paneling?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    This one has stumped me completely. My girlfriend has trailer paneling in her bedroom currently, she can't rip it out and replace it with drywall so that is currently out of the question. I was wondering if it would be possible to hide the grooves in the paneling somehow. Maybe with Alex Flex, or some Sheetrock 20 mixed up? I will attach images below. We would like to hide it because she is a very talented artist, and has taken to painting on her wall random images with neon paint which glow very cool under her LED lights. But the grooves kind of take away from the look. It is an exterior wall with vapour barrier if that makes any difference. I'm an experienced carpenter but I have never had to know this before. Any suggestions?

    these are the grooves

    I would guess about 1/4" wide and 1/8" deep

    This is an almost complete wall, the grooves kind of pull away from the feeling the LED lights should be giving off


    Edit: I am Canadian

    submitted by /u/MadSnizzik
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    Does Current Code Apply to Existing Structure?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    As the title states: I'm wondering if the current Building Codes apply to existing structures. I can't find anything online with an answer on this. I have a bedroom that meets all of the requirements: ceiling height, 2 methods of egress, square footage, etc. The hang-up, however, is in regards to the egress window. The current window doesn't meet the 5.7 [SF] of openable space. It's close, but even if it met that portion of the criteria, the sill is only 20" from the floor as opposed to the required 24".

    Since this isn't a new construction, do the new codes apply? If so, would I be required to install a larger window at the proper height from the floor in order to classify this as a bedroom when selling the home in the future?

    submitted by /u/wiillrus
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    Is the Mitsubishi hyper heat worth it vs a more traditional heat pump w/ coil backup?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    I'm currently evaluating bids on an HVAC replacement in Vancouver Wa.

    3bd/2ba 1488 sqft house. Currently has cadet wall heaters. I have an aversion to the mini split wall units, so I am looking at a heat pump with an air handler and ducting. I got 3 bids covering a variety of brands and heat pump types. From low to high on all inclusive install:

    American Standard single speed heat pump with variable speed air handler ~16k

    American Standard variable speed heat pump and air handler ~ 18k

    LG Variable speed w/ air handler ~18k

    Lennox inverter style w/ airhandler ~19k

    Mitsubishi variable speed with hyper heat w/ air handler ~20k

    So my thought process this far has been that the single speed American Standard isn't worth the effciency loss. The rest are in the same ball park, the major differences being noise, the AS and LG come in at about 20db louder (60-70), the functionality at low temps, and small differences in warranty.

    The big question I have is the functionality at low temp and the overall effect electric backup has on energy cost?

    submitted by /u/Flash_ina_pan
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    Fill hole near mailbox

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    I have about a 2 inch drop from my paved driveway to the gravel next to the road. My mail carrier is refusing to deliver my mail because of this, so I need to fill it in pretty quick. Gravel was my first choice, but im worried it might disperse over time and I'll have this problem all over again. Is there a more permanent solution, one I might find at Ace or Walmart?

    submitted by /u/West164
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    To quarter round or not?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Looking for opinions if I should quarter round or not. I removed the old baseboards before laying the floor. The gaps seem minimal at the bottom.



    submitted by /u/zjmmqc
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    Replace garbage disposal

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    My garbage disposal is leaking and I need to replace it. I'm not a particularly handy person but can get by in a pinch. How difficult would it be for me to replace the disposal myself?

    submitted by /u/4ourkids
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    Adding a second garage door opener - does it need to be the same brand as the other door?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    When we bought our house 18mo ago, only one door had an opener. Unfortunately, my minivan doesn't fit in that side of the garage because there is a pop out from the laundry room that makes it like 5 feet shorter on that side. I'd like to get a nicer one installed on the longer side (the old Craftsman .75hp one doesn't sound so hot), but I'm not sure if there will be any issues with openers that will work for both doors (like the visor/keychains)?

    Has anyone dealt with something similar?

    Edit: Also, Does anyone have experience with Home Depot installing?

    submitted by /u/WATOCATOWA
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    Anyone has a good digital template for the electrical panel labeling ?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    My homebuilders had a terrible hand writing and my electrical panel breaker sheet has a bunch of striked through breaker labels.

    I wondered if someone has a computer template so I can print it and make it legible.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/snif6969
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