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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Home Improvement: Smart friends suck. [fluff post]

    Home Improvement: Smart friends suck. [fluff post]

    Smart friends suck. [fluff post]

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    You ever lay out a room from scratch, tear down drywall to the studs, rewire, plumb, hang new drywall and your buddy comes over and suggests a plan that's way better? That just happened today.


    I really enjoyed his rejoinder though: "hey well at least you weren't totally done bruh!" I was tempted to ignore it, except he's totally right.

    Sighs and starts dismantling I ♥️ redoing stuff all over again sooooo much /s

    submitted by /u/NotSureWTFUmean
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    Has anyone ever purchased an all in one washer/dryer & how did it work?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I've been looking into this as I have a really small space and some reviews are horrible and others are great. I've read through the instruction manuals and realize there are some finicky things like the dry cycle can only handle half the size the wash cycle can and that would be something I could work with. What are your experiences?

    submitted by /u/theFriendlySlytherin
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    Bad concrete pour?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    We built a house recently. It's one of those situations where it's a development, we pick all the things we want, sit back and move in once complete.

    COVID happened and everything shut down, so we moved in April 1st before the driveway, walkways, and yard were finished. Well they came out 3 weeks ago today to do the driveway and walkways. The guy admitted that it was drying too fast so they had to scrap the walkway to the house. He came out the next day to cut the lines. He told us not to walk on it for 24 hours and not to drive on it for 7 days which we followed.

    I wasn't super thrilled with the finish the day after because I noticed the house across the street, that was poured the day before ours, looked much different and better. But I know nothing about concrete and figured it needed time to do whatever it needs to do. But as of yesterday here are some pictures:



    The driveway across the street looks great and looks nothing like ours. It has none of the unevenness or pit-like texture. Is there something wrong with ours? If so, what is the solution?

    submitted by /u/Wobbly_Joe
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    Best way to re-route this downspout to get water away from foundation?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Purchasing a house and one of the inspection items came back that there's a small amount of water getting in to the basement from right under this downspout. I believe it's because of some cracking between the sidewalk and foundation, but I haven't been able to rip open the basement drywall yet to see if there's something else going on. I plan to (at a minimum, assuming I don't have any other foundation issues) seal that crack with rubber foundation sealing, but in the meantime I also want to get the water away from the house.

    I'm thinking of routing to the left, joining with the other downspout, and then taking the two of them toward the street/gate, but I'm wondering if there are any better ideas out there that might not be so ugly. I can't route the other direction, as there is more house/foundation that way.

    Another option would be to just pipe that straight down into a rain barrel, with the drain then hooked up to a hose.


    submitted by /u/-Noma
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    So a tree fell on my house today.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:57 PM PDT


    The destroyed car on the left is my neighbors, to the right is me and mine. No one was hurt.

    Destroyed part of my fence and my gutters. Called my insurance company and they were helpful and efficient. They assigned a claims adjuster and I sent her all the photos I took. The next step is them coming to view the damage but only once the tree is removed which, talking to my neighbor, may be on Monday or Tuesday.

    I was in a MS Teams meeting with work when it happened. Sounded like the end of the world.

    Anyway, should I be doing more right now. There appears to be no damage to my roof that would require a tarp in case of inclement weather. Or even Carl Weathers.

    submitted by /u/Phifty2
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    Simplest way to re-stain this 1yr old deck?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    So I bought a house a year ago. Apparently the builder used a crappy stain and it's already peeling and looking rather bad only one year later.

    A lot of the information I've read suggest some pretty intensive stripping processes before restaining. Frankly, I just don't have the time to undertake such a large project right now. Is all of that really necessary? Can I get away with a light sanding and a new coat of stain over top? Should I pressure wash instead of sanding? I am mainly looking for a solution that will get me by for another 1-2 years until I have the time to invest in a more durable fix.

    Some of the challenges: -The deck is HUGE. About 360sqft. I don't think I can sand it by hand. -I don't know the original stain color used. -This is a rooftop deck, so I'm worried about using caustic chemicals which may damage the rooftop below.

    Images: https://imgur.com/a/Fo6kGN5

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Ship_Rekt
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    Frogs everywhere!!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    OG Frogman

    First time posting and the rules recommended a photo so here's our original in-welcomed guest.

    We've had 3 frogs mysteriously get into our bathroom in the past 3 weeks. My husband is terrified but it hasn't been a huge deal to me until last night when one fell on me in the shower.

    The internet says they are either coming from a vent or down through a pipe but eventually coming from the toilet.

    Our bathroom is next to the backyard and has a small tree leaning against it.

    Some recommend putting mesh over vents on the roof of the house but I'm looking for some advice because I honestly don't even know where to start..

    Tl;dr: Frogs keep getting into our bathroom- Trying to figure out how to mesh a vent or prevent them.

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to add I'm in Oklahoma!

    submitted by /u/minmister
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    Vanity Mirror Removal

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    We're doing some redecoration of our half-bath in DC and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this stupid vanity mirror off:


    As far as I can tell, its being held on by four posts. All of them have tiny holes that I'm assuming I'm supposed to use to help unscrew these things, but I haven't been able to get the posts to move. Here's a close-up:


    The things I've tried to use to get these posts unscrewed include very small Allen wrenches, pliers (hoping to get enough traction), and long and very forceful glaring. Nothing has worked.

    Am I missing something? Is there a special tool I need? Any suggestions will be super helpful!

    submitted by /u/WerewolfGimmick2020
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    Had a new roof installed today. I told the roofers what I wanted, and they ordered it. I checked the label on the shingles when they arrived and it was correct. After the job was done, I am 99% sure we got the wrong color and the packaging was mislabeled.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Owner of roofing company is calling me tomorrow. Realistically, is there any chance this gets fixed?

    Just to get this out of the way: the company has been around for 50+ years and the owner seemingly knows everyone in town. Including a few of my family members. They are known to do great work and from my inexperienced point of view, they did great work here. I'm not worried about them just disappearing or something.

    A few weeks back, the owner of the company came by and talked over colors with us. We had a certain color in mind. He said we'd hate it if we saw it in person. So we went and looked at several in person. He was right, we hated it. He suggested we go with pewter. He was right. We loved the look of pewter in person. But the company we wanted to go with didn't have any examples out on the floor. Since all the other pewters were very similar and we liked them, we opted to go with pewter from the the company we wanted without actually seeing it.

    Naturally, I was a little nervous about this. So when the shingles arrived, i made it a point to stop working (been working from home) and go out and check the pallet. The owner of the roofing company was present for the delivery. I said "these say gray." He said "those are for another job. The other stack is yours." I walked around the truck until I found the label on my stack: "pewter." First time i'd felt at-ease about this.

    The shingles were then lifted up to the roof.

    Installation started on the highest portions of the roof. Meaning i could only get a highly-angled view until they were almost done. About 3 hours before they finished the job was the first time they had installed shingles in an area where I could really see them clearly. They looked much lighter than I expected but still fairly gray. I don't have the best eye for this stuff. They were almost done at that point so i opted to see it through.

    After they cleaned up and left, I walked all around the house. I have a small bay window that has shingles on the top, and when I approached it, this was the first time i got a real, close look at the shingles. And they looked blue-ish.

    This was the first time i felt like the color really was off. So i kept looking around and while it definitely looked blue, I eventually convinced myself it was just me.

    Then, i had the idea to check the shingle company's website. Just to see— if it wasn't what I ordered, what color was it? Was there another color on the site that looked closer?

    Yep. There was. I found the exact color we got. And it wasn't pewter.

    The pallet was clearly mislabeled. Idk how the owner of the company is going to react. It wasn't his fault they were mislabeled. And I can't help but feel this is partially my fault for not somehow noticing and stopping them partway through the job. But I thought I'd covered my bases by checking the label on the shingle packaging—after all, if i were working at an office right now instead of at home, i wouldn't even have been here when the shingles were dropped off so i wouldn't have even been able to check the packaging. Let alone stop them if i noticed something wrong.

    None of the packaging was saved, unfortunately. Though I assume there is an order that the roofer placed with the place where they picked up the shingles.

    The color isn't what we wanted. But it's not catastrophic. If I absolutely have to live with it, I can. But overall, I'm at a loss. I just feel like this whole process was so damn difficult and even being as careful as I could be, it still got messed up.

    If this comes down to me+roofing company vs. shingle company, i have a feeling the shingle company is going to tell us to take a hike. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/Heritage_Cherry
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    What is this 2x4 support in my garage attic?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:48 PM PDT


    Standalone 2 car, extra long garage in Los Angeles. I'm hoping to remove or somehow move this out of the way so I can put in some shelving. Anyone know if it is structural? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/aerorich
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    [Update] Need further help. Neighbors have overgrown/dead trees, got city involved and they aren’t helping. Next steps?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I posted about a week ago about how my parents next door neighbors house is a rental property. The house is falling apart and completely overgrown and the landlord is not willing to do anything to maintain it. My parents are mainly concerned about hazardous and overgrown trees towering over their property. A few dead trees and one that is just massively overgrown and unruly.

    Images here: https://imgur.com/gallery/oUu5I84

    My mom got ahold of the city last week and they stopped by within an hour and gave the landlord 10 days to pick up trash and take care of the trees.

    My mom just got notified by the city this morning that the landlord has said she is not going to be doing anything about the trees. The city has said they aren't able to do anything else.

    What are the next steps my parents can do to get rid of the hazardous trees on the property before they do damage to my parents home?


    submitted by /u/KelseyBee17
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    Prefinished vs. On-site Finished Hardwood Flooring?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Which one do you prefer? Is prefinished really more durable, given the same species?

    submitted by /u/catsmom585
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    What is this ceiling tile called?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    I made the mistake of stepping on the ceiling when I was going through the attic and ended up breaking a ceiling tile in half. Now I'm trying to find a replacement tile but it's proving difficult to find as I'm not sure what this one is called.

    All I know is that it suspends itself by interlocking with the surrounding tiles.

    Would appreciate any ideas :)


    submitted by /u/bottle_bug
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    Help: water leak and horizontal crack on house i just bought

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Hi there guys,

    I would like to get your help to try to understand the size, severity and possible costs of repairing a problem that me and my girlfriend are having in the house we just bought.

    My girlfriend and I bought this house last week. We were aware that there was an water leak because there was a small stain on the ceeling drywall in the middle of the livingroom, which is bellow the above neighbours terrace and is part of the facade of the building. The terrace's facade as a 60 centimiter overhang over our livingroom balcony, and on that overhang there is a horizontal crack about 95% of the building's width. The seller informed us that the problem with the leak was being discussed with the neighbor above, and that he would bear the repair costs if the problem came from his terrace. If not, the costs would have to be divided by everyone in the builing since if the problem was the crack present on the facade and that was everyones responsability by law in my country(Portugal).

    The stain on the drywall is nothing special and despite raising concerns, I made two offers to the seller. One to pay what he asked for, but with the problem solved and delivery in late summer. And another, with a considerable discount, without the problem solved, to sell immediately, and we settled the repairs with the neighbors afterwards. It was a 10k € discount, more than 10% drop on the final price. He agreed to sell now.

    So we started the changes, and as the weather hasn't been rainy, we haven't raised any major concerns about the situation yet. I spoke very lightly with the neighbor, who just informed me that in the last 10 years he has done work on the terrace and put tiles on the floor and so he did not think that the fault would be of the terrace but it would have to be evaluated.

    Well, on Wednesday I removed the spotlights, as they are incandescent and I want to switch to LEDs, and I took the opportunity to analyze the ceiling situation on the livingroom. The ceiling has stone wool insulation with kraft paper facing the plasterboard, and I didn't see any mold on the block ceiling above the plasterboard, just small micro cracks that are no bigger than a hair.

    But today my balls dropped to the bottom floor. Today, at the end of the day, a very small rain fell that didn't even get the car wet properly, and I took the opportunity to go by the house to see how things were. From the photographs that I put in the links in the end, you can see that not even the walls of the facade are wet. The truth is, when i came in the livingroom, I looked at the hole in one of the spotlights and saw that one of the tubes where the electrical wires come in, was completely filled with droplets... I put my hand in it and it seemed like it rained in it... The rock wool on top had a few droplets but wasnt soaking wet, but the tube was full of droplets. For the amount of water it had rain, it is not possible to enter through the crack of terrace above the balcony i think, which is about 60cm away from the facade wall, and then 2 meters away from the center of the livingroom where i saw the tube...

    That made me try to check the crack to properly evaluate the damage that none of the people involved in the process of buying the house awared me to the severity of... I had not noticed the dimension of the crack untill i hopped over the edge of the balcony to try and have a better look at.

    To point out some stuff that to my untrained eye seem evident: The first is a mass "drool" that seems to run down the crack. The crack to me seems to be at the level of the terrace floor, which seems a bad sight to start with... With a horizontal light like that, doesn't that mean that the wall is in risk of falling over my balcony, and the neighbours bellow me? That "drool" seems to me that at some point, during the tiling on the terrace, someone saw that crack and tried to fill it up and "soaked" the cracks on the inside and the result on the outside was that and they didn't notice. Another hypothesis will be a very mediocre attempt to try to seal the cracks from the outside... Wouldn't even call that an attempt and makes no sense to me.

    Another thing I noticed, especially on the left side of the facade, there are drill holes under the crack ... I also don't find much purpose in that...

    My question is, how bad is this? If the problem is cracks in the tile on the terrace, I think the best solution would be to remove the ceramic from the neighbor, apply about 4 or 5 layers of liquid rubber including a considerable height on the wall, and put the ceramic back on over it.

    The repair of the crack, surpasses me a little even by the place where it is, where I can hardly get to take pictures. How hard is to execute this repair, what would it involve and how much do you think it would cost? I spoke with a friend about this and he thinks that this may need to be demolished to be repaired since it's water damage related and that facade wall from the terrace is only hanging from the sides....

    Here are images that I took, both from the crack and from the soaked tube.

    Images from the crack and tube

    and image from google maps that shows the neighbours terrace.


    I thank everyone for any input and guidance they can give me.

    submitted by /u/angelicous
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    A square head shovel feels so much easier to dig with than my round point shovel. Am I alone here?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I see online a square head isnt meant for digging, but when I'm removing grass and dirt for my patio it feels easier to use. I make squares of grass with the square shovel then remove the piece.

    I'm genuinely wondering if I'm using the round point in a wrong manner. I'll be glad to learn I can be more efficient with my tools! Any tips about shoveling are welcome too. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Zappa-
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    Painting cabinets and walls the same color?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    We redid our kitchen a couple weeks ago and used SW7004 snowbound for our cabinets. A nice creamy white. We then painted our walls SW7014 Eider White- a coolish grey. I love the snowbound color and would to paint the rest of the house in Snowbound as well but this means that in the kitchen both the cabinet and walls will be the same color (Snowbound). Has anyone else painted both the walls and cabinets the same color?

    submitted by /u/ricendcurry
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    What’s the best way to connect these walls to each other?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Looking to secure these wooden garden walls to each other. Some sort of angled bracket?


    submitted by /u/filthylarry
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    Suggestions on deck stripper for power washer?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Wanting to repaint my deck. Just bought the house, and the previous owners clearly just painted it in the middle of the winter or something, as it's peeling and sticking in very weird locations.

    Any suggestions? I see plenty of guides that say to use a chemical stripper, but have yet to find one that has been successful.

    Getting too close with the washer (enough to strip the paint) splinters the wood - so I need something to make the paint release where it's being problematic.

    The paint is currently one of those thick sludge (grey) paint that covers up the wood and anything on it.


    submitted by /u/wallawocko
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    Handyman or contractor ?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    I am thinking about remodeling some portion of my bathroom. I want to install a brand new shower (replace all the tiles, new faucets etc) and some tiles around the tub. No existing plumbing or electrical outlets are changing. This is my first remodel project at my home and I am not sure if I should hire a handyman company or certified general contractors or established design shops. I received quotes from all three. Handyman is way cheaper compared to boutique design shops or general contractors.

    Any advice/recommendations ? Will it be a terrible idea to hire a handyman to do the job?

    submitted by /u/adlsdk
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    Side Mount Garage Opener

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    How far away from the tension Spring can a side mount sit? We have a header a few inches away but maybe can bore a small diameter hold through the header that would but the motor about 16" away..... too much pressure on motor?

    submitted by /u/seataccrunch
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    Ideas for a post and beam style car port

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm looking to build a post and beam style car port that is not attached to the side of the house. I wanted to see if anyone has built one themselves or had someone build it for them and what the final cost was, along with dimensions, design specs, etc.

    submitted by /u/ohdannyboy10
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    product to seal joints in flagstone patio?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Here is our flagstone patio.

    Its older, we inherited it when we bought the house. The soil on our property is inherently sandy and the joints just look kind of shoddy and uneven. Lots of anthills pop up throughout the summer. We'd like to spruce it up by using some kind of sealer but I am not entirely sure what to use.

    Is there a better or worse product to use to seal the joints on our patio? I'd rather not fill it in w/ peastone (or similar). Trying to avoid constantly fighting to brush that stuff back in the joints. A Home Depot is just across town from us, if that matters at all. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/chop924
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    What is the best way to reduce heat coming from a vaulted skylight using foil insulation?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    My skylight rests about 2 feet above my ceiling. I'm not sure if it is technically a vaulted skylight but the ceiling is cut out directly below the skylight. See diagram: https://imgur.com/fMSoVmR

    I affixed foil insulation to the skylight but it does not seem to be helping too much now that it is summertime. The cut out / valuted area below the foil insulation is substantially warmer than the rest of the apartment. I am on the top floor by the way.

    I am thinking about taping foil insulation to the ceiling so that it covers the cut out area.

    Any tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ladyfrombanff
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    How much to install Central air in home with existing duct work (Perfect condition)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    I see a lot of info and cost estimates on installing air conditioning in a home without duct work. I'm just wondering how much it would be to install an AC unit with existing duct work! Any help would be much appreciated. 😁

    submitted by /u/HR1991
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