• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Home Improvement: A project as simple as taking down an old shower door has a little closer to accepting the powder blue bathtub in our first home (B&A). Budget friendly home improvement advice welcome!

    Home Improvement: A project as simple as taking down an old shower door has a little closer to accepting the powder blue bathtub in our first home (B&A). Budget friendly home improvement advice welcome!

    A project as simple as taking down an old shower door has a little closer to accepting the powder blue bathtub in our first home (B&A). Budget friendly home improvement advice welcome!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I moved into our first home two weeks ago. It's a sturdy house built in the sixties, but cosmetically, it needs some updating. We initially had a lot of big ideas for home improvement, but the current events have obviously put that on hold.

    That meant coming to terms with our powder blue bathtub. Keep in mind, neither of us have any experience as DIY-ers, as we have always rented previously. Yesterday, we finally knocked down the grimy shower door, gave the whole tub/shower a deep clean, and hung a curtain in its place. Such a small project, but we feel accomplished and optimistic about updating our home.

    Before and after found here (curtain is from Target): https://imgur.com/a/bExs3i9

    Any advice for home improvement is welcome! We are very much beginners at this and have a long way to go yet. Keeping an eye out at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store (when they reopen their doors) as well as perusing DIY communities.

    submitted by /u/ssaen
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    Anyone see any glaring issues with this shed design before I order the materials?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Got removed from r/DIY for asking for advice on this project.

    I finally building a shed. I've been drawing it and learning about building online for the past two years. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on the materials, but I thought I would let the internet take a look first. Any thoughts on the design?

    It's a 12' by 16' shed on 6x6 skids. Everything, as far as I can tell, meets code in my area. I sent my plans to the lumber yard to quote a price and review by design, but I haven't heard back from them yet. Hopefully the link works below.


    submitted by /u/snakeeye838
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    Deckmate Screws Failure

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Put deckmate coated screws on my composite deck about 10 years ago. They are now failing by the dozen due to corrosion. The worst part is they are near impossible to back out, will have to spend many hours removing them and some are literally impossible. Likely will be easier to just replace all deck boards.

    Home Depot says they are guaranteed for life, they will give me new ones. But I'm on my own for removal.

    Just wanted to help somebody that may be considering these. Next time, I will use stainless

    I have a picture, but pics not allowed here?

    submitted by /u/Cosmobile99
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    Help with boob light fixture

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    I'm hoping somebody can help me, as I'm having a hell of a time finding info online.

    I have one of those modern light bulb fixtures that look like a boob, with a circular Halo light inside. I was replacing the light, and the long threaded rod that the "nipple" part of the light screws into fell out. Now I'm left with a hole at the center of the fixture where this rod use to come out of. but if I put the rod in, there's nothing to hold it in place. Since this rod holds the entire light in place, it's a problem.

    Does anybody have experience with these fixtures and know how to fix this? can it be done without removing the fixture? because I have little confidence in my ability to put it back on.


    submitted by /u/danisonline
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    Can you put new pine straw over old?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Whole house fan not working

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    I accidentally turned both the low and high switch on for my whole house fan and it made a very loud rattling noise and stopped working. The motor now hums for about 20 seconds then turns off again. HELP!!

    submitted by /u/aredmond79
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    We have a Victorian with a Mansard roof, so a tall livible, albeit neglected attic. No insulation, rats, birds, and outside light between boards.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    It once had nice flooring and finished cherry walls, but now it looks like someone started renovating it 30 years ago and gave up half way through demo.

    Before adding insulation, and after pest control, how would you air seal from the elements? Most articles and videos I'm finding aren't quite fitting for a Mansard style roof/attic that we want to spend time in and use. Or they only talk about the floor.

    Short of wrapping the house and adding new cladding on the outside, is there anything we can do on the inside? I'd assume we don't want insulation right up against boards with slits to the outside, and we'd want to air seal first. Would a vapor barrier work between the insulation and wood, or would that just keep the wood wet and be an even worse problem? Same for closed cell foam?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/scottpigeon
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    Set up soaker hose to water the foundation: should soaker hose be placed inside or outside the flower bed?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    The house (20 years old) in north Texas doesn't have a foundation problem now. To prevent to have a foundation issue, I decide to set up soaker hose to water the foundation. There is a flower bed in front of the house. Should soaker hose be placed inside or outside the flower bed? Thank you very much.

    Soaker hose insider the planter bed: https://imgur.com/42nMjzh

    Soaker hose outsider the planter bed: https://imgur.com/3E8hKI4

    Edit: it should be a planter bed.

    submitted by /u/zorro_usa84
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    How would you deal with noisy road noise?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    My bedroom wall is about 25 feet from a road. It's a popular place for people to do burn outs and rev their engine late at night. Not just once a while, it's constant.

    Besides moving I was considering my only option is some noise insulation. I was debating about building a second, doubled wall on some key locations. I honestly feel like it's my only choice. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/whitedsepdivine
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    Need Advice on noisy neighbors

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Need advice on quieting noisy neighbors in a trailer park, is there anything that can help muffle the sound cheaply, was considering bushes but not sure if that would be allowed.

    submitted by /u/Stygander
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    Stains on fence

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm new here but I'm hoping that someone here can help me with a predicament concerning my fence.

    Yesterday, my mom and I were staining the fence and all was well, but today, my neighbor was pressure washing and he ended up messing up our side of the fence. My mom and I tried to wash it off with the hose and some soap, but it didn't seem to help. We suspect that while pressure washing, he may have used bleach because the little splatter stains on our side of the fence are white. Is there any way to get the bleach off without having to re-stain the fence? Any help is much appreciated. We're just kind of bummed since we spent hours working on it in the heat yesterday to make it look good. :/

    link to pics of stain we used and the bleach marks on the fence

    submitted by /u/Rochelle6
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    Weber spirit e 310 wont fit my gas line

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I've put together the grill but it won't fit my gas line. The house gas line pipe and the fitting line that came with the grill are about the same size. What do i do to connect the two so I can use the grill. The previous owner used the gas line for the grill couple of years ago.

    Thanks for all your help

    submitted by /u/bighillmirso
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    Garage support pole is rusting out

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    My garage has a a support pole between the 2 doors. It is rusting and has a hole into it.

    Also the drywall and/or wood there is also deteriorating and doesn't really take screws or hold anything properly.


    What do I need to do to fix this? Is this something that I should bring in a professional, or is it possible to handle myself? I saw online that building a concrete form, and filling around the bottom of the pole with concrete might be a thing to do.

    submitted by /u/darkspot_
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    Order Cabinet Doors Online

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    I'm looking to refurbish old kitchen cabinets and looking for a place to order new cabinet doors online. I started to make my own shaker style doors, but quickly realized doing this all my self will take way longer than I would like.

    Any suggestions and your experience with quality, customer services, lead time, etc. would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/kajok
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    Help with a few small things?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:04 PM PDT


    So unfortunately due to... everything that is going on in the world right now, my roommate, partner, and I are moving out of our apartment and in with my roommates parents! My partner and I are moving specifically into a really unique mother-in-law unit on their property.

    The unit is seperate from their house, and is built out of cob walls with a rammed earth floor, with a roof made out of mixed materials (metal on one part, shingles on the other). It was built by college students quite a few years ago, but there were parts of it that were left unfinished or deteriorated with use over time, so I suppose it's fitting that it's being finished by college students.

    HERE ARE MY QUESTIONS! Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

    1) We need help figuring out how to replace the glass in this door.

    The glass that currently exists is single pane, and is not safety glass. Replacing the door isn't really an option because the door is a strange size, and we don't have access to a saw that would allow us to cut a larger door to fit. The biggest problem is the broken glass panel near the bottom of the window.

    2) There is exposed cob wall that we would like to make look nicer.

    There are multiple spots where the cob is exposed in the house, but the worst of it is on the bottom of the wall in the picture I took. Because of the nature of cob, we cannot use traditional latex-based paint because it will wick moisture into the wall, which is prone to developing a toxic mold. We are instead planning on using a lime based paint, but we don't know how to go about dealing with the exposed areas. Should we use plaster to cover them? Is there another, better solution or material we could use?

    Any advice you have is really appreciated! None of us have ever attempted something like this before!

    Location is in Western Washington

    (Also, please let me know if my imgur links don't work so I can fix them, or if there is a better place for me to post this!)

    submitted by /u/lvndrfstvl
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    Drywall experts please help! Trying to match a texture.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I bought a fixer upper house made in 2001, I have hired two different drywall guys but neither could come close to this texture. They both tried the leather roller but the results came out vastly different, can anyone help? If it is a leather roller can anyone describe the technique?


    submitted by /u/360alaska
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    Demoralized after failed project, need advice on my options

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Let me just start by saying I didn't intend to do this project yet, while I was inspecting the old fixtures to size up if I would even be capable the old window got jammed and broke off.

    For a week or two I've been hyping myself up to maybe tackle a basement window replacement. Previous owner replaced all but one with glass block windows, and the last window was boarded over instead. Because of this I have never felt secure in my home and it's been on my project list for a while.

    Due to the suddenness of the project, it ended up being a lot more cumbersome than necessary. I combined advice from all 3 different youtube tutorials I had watched and created my own way to get the project done - based on my unique circumstances that no single video captured. It worked, but it took 10 hours to finish what probably only should have been a 1 hour project. I have since found much better advice/tutorials, but in the moment it was so stressful I didn't stop working to try and look up alternative approaches.

    Because the main frame of mortar/window didn't go on until bed time, I ended up leaving the shims in overnight. The project was exhausting and a nightmare but somehow we did it.

    I woke up to take the shims out this morning and the first set went fine, but the 2nd set was misaligned and got jammed. I tried hammering it out and it was going well until... I hit the glass block of the window. It sounded bad but Looked fine at first, and when I went inside to check the damage to the other side it was a pretty large web of cracking. Pressed on the window and it is still structurally sound somehow though...

    So after the mental and physical exhaustion of yesterday, and complete demoralization from this morning, my partner and I are planning to just leave the cracked panel in. The window has 8 blocks and only one is cracked, and it's not even visible from the exterior of the house. However this was a 14" pre-made window, so the block that cracked is a nonstandard, rectangular size to fit in the smaller space.

    I can't stop kicking myself and wondering if I should put the effort into fixing it. Technically I have a 2 inch lip so I could buy a standard square replacement piece and bury it in mortar so that it looks the same height as the others in the row. But since this was a preassembled window, I'm worried it will look stupid if I replace just 1 of the blocks. Technically I could accept defeat/do the project the right way this time and replace the entire window all over again... but... this is a project I never want to do ever again and I was saying that even before the accident happened.

    Am I a bad person for wanting to just leave the cracked block in? Rationally I know It's still functional but it's disappointing to see such a glaring flaw in something brand new that I put so much effort into only to have it come out looking shit. Was hoping people could provide advice on what my options are if I decide I absolutely need to replace it, and/or reassurance that leaving the cracked block isn't the end of the world....

    submitted by /u/okiedokieKay
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    How can I get LED bulbs to stop flickering?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I have dome light fixtures and table lamps with LED bulbs in 2 bedrooms located next to the bathroom, where my washer and drier are.

    If I run the washer, the lights flicker for the spin cycle and at the beginning while it half-spins to calculate the load. The washer and dryer seem to be on the same circuit as these lights. Is this normal?

    Do I need to get an electrician in to rewire the washer to a separate circuit, or is this more of an issue with the light fixtures/lamps not being made to use LED bulbs?

    submitted by /u/No_Dont_Think_So
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    Why are these little grooves on the corner walls in this room?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    I tried to adjust the heat regulator on my shower...and now I have no hot water

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    The shower was working fine but I wanted the water a little bit hotter on the hottest setting, so I tried to adjust the heat regulator myself. I'm not sure what I did, but there's no hot water now.

    Photos here: https://imgur.com/a/1SYYMQt

    After disassembling everything, I'm not even sure what turning the handle does. Reddit, please help me take a warm shower :(

    submitted by /u/notyouraveragedoge
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    3rd floor old house floor renovation - Thoughts

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    I'm renovating the 3rd floor of an older house to make it into a habitable area. The flooring is currently 3/8 plywood over old 1" floorboards which are nailed into 2x8 joists. The floorboards are all crooked, wavy, cracked,etc..

    At first I was thinking about laying a tongue and groove board subfloor over it. It'd be a shimming nightmare. Thought about 4x8 tongue and groove plywood, similar issue and I also lose head space.

    I'm thinking about ripping out all the old floorboards, and laying a 2x4 subfloor on top of the joists. Space is an issue, so wondering if laying them on their side is an option?

    I think I can shim a subfloor structure a helluva lot easier than individual floorboards. Or maybe someone has a better idea? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/soylentgreen2015
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    Horizontal Foundation Crack

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I noticed this crack in my foundation about 1ft above the ground just below where the brick starts. Cause for concern? If so, next steps? https://imgur.com/yLcsbjR


    Edit: Question has been answered. Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/HouserGuy
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    Best garage heating option for Chicago winters?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I'm turning my garage into a gym and am thinking about the winter. Chicago winters get pretty cold of course. The first thing I'll be doing in the fall is insulating the walls and roof. After that, I need a good & hopefully efficient way to heat the space. It's a 2 car garage. I plan to be in there 3-4 days a week working out for about an hour each time.

    submitted by /u/byrontech
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    How to remove excess paint that bled through after a bad taping job?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I painted a bedroom with an Acrylic Latex color but accidentally got some paint on the crown molding and closet door. What can I use to remove the excess paint? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/retrohoe98
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    What's this kind of wood called?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

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