• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 4, 2020

    Home Improvement: I despise TVs over fireplaces, but it seems like every home is built like that. What are you all doing?

    Home Improvement: I despise TVs over fireplaces, but it seems like every home is built like that. What are you all doing?

    I despise TVs over fireplaces, but it seems like every home is built like that. What are you all doing?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Wife and I are looking to buy our first home. We generally like open concept, more airy rooms. At the risk of launching into a huge rant, I am losing my mind at how many homes are built with the fireplace at the center of the living room. Is this 1880? WHY? I feel like a crazy person because I don't even watch that much TV, I just don't know why we live in a place that hits freezing a few times per year and every house is built with a little-house-on-the-prairie fantasy land ideal about the family gathering around the hearth to discuss how paw's crops are looking and lamenting the loss of the town's soda jerk.

    Anyway, rant aside: I don't want to just cover a fireplace up (that seems a bit extreme,) but I hate the idea of a tv mounted 8 feet off the ground (do you people like staring up?). I also hate the idea of a tv just weirdly positioned in some visually off-center location.

    I accept that I may be in the minority here, but I can't be the only one who feels this way. Does anyone have any creative solutions? For those who feel this way, what have you done?

    submitted by /u/myrealestatethrow129
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    Built some raised beds

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    A garden build I did over the last couple weeks. If anyone wants to know specifics about the build feel free to ask.
    Fully enclosed raised bed gardens https://imgur.com/gallery/J2fMkUo

    submitted by /u/Jonesmp
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    Grafted Fruit Trees (aka; "Fruit Salad" trees)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I just finished planting a grafted fruit tree and a few friends (after seeing the pictures) remarked that they had never heard of them... So I figured I would share my experience in case it was helpful to any of you.

    I live in Los Angeles and each year I plant tomatoes and a variety of other veggies in my side yard. The Meyer lemon tree in my back yard gives me easily the best lemons I've ever tasted, but I was looking for something else to add to mix, only I didn't want to commit to a single apple tree or an orange tree, etc.

    Enter the grafted fruit trees.

    The one I bought had limbs from two different kinds of peach trees grafted on to the same trunk as a plum branch and a nectarine branch. Later this year, I can enjoy all four varieties of stone fruit from the same tree.

    Here is a picture of the four kinds of fruit: https://imgur.com/WV2qdVm

    I've seen others with multiple kinds of apples, or multiple citrus.

    This one cost me $99 at my local nursery and is already budding with one peach.

    Anyway, in case any of you were looking to add something to your gardens but hadn't committed to exactly one idea...maybe this is something to look into.

    Best of luck!

    submitted by /u/WriterDave
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    Quick quality of life improvement: oil your internal door hinges and handles.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Why does my fridge cause circuits in my garage to trip? Any solutions to use my fridge with GFCI outlets?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I'm a long-time lurker, so I'm excited to have my first post, which I hope provides some answers. I'm including as much information as possible; please let me know if there's anything important I should additionally include.

    We just bought a brand new home in North Central Texas. It was built last December, and we are the first owners. As far as I can tell, all the outlets (except for a few odd ones inside) are "GFCI outlet" branded, which I assume means they are GFCI compatible.

    My wife wanted to have a fridge in the garage to store some excess frozen items, so we bought an (admittedly) older fridge (a GE TFX25VR 25.2 cubic feet) from Craigslist for $200 - I assumed we were getting a steal. We plug in the fridge after leaving it right-side up for 24 hours into one of the four outlets in the garage. This outlet is "GFCI" branded, and as soon as we plug it in to this outlet, there is a trip from the breaker box, which is also located in the garage. We reset the breaker and proceed to plug into all the remaining GFCI outlets in the garage; the tripping happens three times, as expected. Whenever we reset, I test the outlets with other devices, such as a battery charger for a leafblower, and the devices appear to work.

    It is now clear that the GFCI outlets in my garage don't work with the fridge. We finally got the fridge to work by connecting an extension cord from the garage to an outlet inside the house that is not GFCI branded. While this is a solution, it is one we don't want to do as this means there's an ugly-thirty foot orange extension cord crossing the middle of our home.

    What are my options? What is the root problem? Have I been hustled? My wife seems to think we can "convert" one of the GFCI outlets to a non-GFCI one, but that doesn't seem safe to me? Any thoughts or feedback would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bloodcabbage
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    Just scraped a bunch of moss off my roof. What can i spray on it so it doesnt come back as quick? & to clean up the caked on moss still embedded?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    What's an easy way to close this hole around the water heater vent?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT


    I need it covered to prevent the cat from escaping. I don't need anything fancy. Any ideas?

    Edit: SOLVED thanks to u/thedirtestbird


    submitted by /u/The__Rover
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    Anyone else ever watched Canada's Worst Handyman? Hilarious show! Some seasons are on YouTube.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    6 seasons altogether.

    submitted by /u/YarpYarpKennyVSpenny
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    Poured alcohol on my hardwood floors and left white stains

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    picture for reference

    So, I've been spraying packages down with 70% isopropanol and my dumbass left some of them on top of our wooden floors. When I noticed the discoloration, I tried scrubbing with a wet rag and that scraped some of it away, but it also started to take off the varnish (?) and expose the wood underneath. You may be able to see the small, light spots. My current plan is to sand all the White spots down with sandpaper, varnish the exposed wood with the best match I can find, and then throw a finish on top of everything I sanded. Does this make sense? Does the type of finish I use matter? My roommate, who owns the house, has no idea what type of finish they used originally. Thanks for any help. I've done a bit of googling, but can't seem to find my exact situation of alcohol damage/combined with stripped varnish.

    submitted by /u/Sdfive
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    What software have you used for planning / creating a landscape diagram

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm planning my landscape. Which software do you recommend? My dream software would let me include accurate measurements (as opposed to only click+drag object sizing-by-eyeball), and have art assets for planning an interior. I've dabbled with Microsoft Visio and Smartdraw to build my plan, but am starting anew and hoping for something which is easier to use than either of those.

    Here's an image for the type of software I'm asking about: https://www.amazon.com/Artifact-Interactive-Garden-Planner-Download/dp/B076J1HD48

    submitted by /u/Odd_Strategy
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    Sand or power wash already stained deck?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Is it better to sand or power wash a wooden deck to remove the peeling stain? (Semi transparent australian timber oil used previously)

    submitted by /u/Taiga666
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    Hope someone can give me some yard advice

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    What's up guys,

    So the short of it is, I moved in with my girlfriend probably 6 months ago and have been doing all of the housework that had been neglected for god knows how long. I'm stuck at home, and have decided it's time to start the project I've been putting off - the backyard.

    There's a rectangle of (what should be) grass back there, about 14'x9', that's basically a mudpit. It seems like there's nothing growing at all beside a few weeds. She assured me that at some point, there was a beautiful yard back there, but overtime it had all died. Also, we do have a dog that does her business in that area, but i maintain it well, and pick up after her.

    ANYWAYS, I'm looking for advice on what i can do to bring everything back to life. I'm extremely handy around the house, i work in construction, but when it comes to any kind of landscaping i have NO IDEA what I'm doing. Should i put seed down? Weed killer? Sod?

    We live in Connecticut, and I'd say the yard gets direct sunlight about 5 hours a day.

    I'm open to any and all suggestions. TIA

    submitted by /u/sirbennyflops
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    Removed old floor, discovered tar. How can I install a floating floor on top of it now?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT


    Thanks everyone! We have a plan! We will NOT try to sand it up! Thank you to everyone who said not to, because that WAS a plan! Saved me!


    Picture for reference


    Reno in bathroom. Floor was to start yesterday but the old tiles were cracked, water damaged, heaved, and missing a couple. Couldn't level. Had to remove it.

    So we started ripping them out. Discovered tar as a glue. Had to use heat gun to get them out. But now we've got a floor of tar.

    The new flooring is vinyl plank. It's supposed to be floating, and cautions against using an underpad.

    What should I do? Liberal baby powder till it's not sticky anymore?

    submitted by /u/seanbrockest
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    What is everyone working on while in quarantine?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    So far I've cleaned out and organized my garage, built a home gym, sanded and painted my kitchen chairs, refinished my dining table, I bought a classic bike and am in the process of restoring it, and next I plan to build storage for my garage. But the plan is to finish the garage floors so the storage will have wheels on it, so I can move it out of my garage when the time comes. I still have some outlets to replace and some smarthome fixtures to install.

    What does everyone else have going on?

    submitted by /u/rizzo1717
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    Gettinflg a roof over a deck?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT


    Hi all,

    My wife and I are wanting to put a roof over the deck here and had no idea how to go about it especially with the window on the left side. The deck is currently 14×8 but we are going to expand it out to be 14x20 and wrap to our deck to the right of the house to the pool (not pictured). I have 3 thoughts about how to accomplish this in order of preference.

    1) do a shed style roof starting from above the kitchen door and almost doing a hip join down effectively raising the roof over the kitchen and terminating at the height it's currently at out to the end of the deck.

    2) a gable/hip roof join tying into the gutters

    3) A gazebo and leave a gap between the gazebo and the gutters.

    Any advice is appreciated and suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/TheWajd
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    Bathtub Recaulk! (First timer)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I spent ~$12 on a silicone caulk and caulk gun last weekend and FINALLY redid my bath tub this weekend.

    I had a razor already. Taking literally Habit #7, Sharpen the Saw, or in this case, razor, was key! I went through about 5 blades. I also think I was overly meticulous.

    I had signs of mildew and mold in my old caulk (gross!). I sprayed some bleach during the old caulk removal. All signs of mildew and mold were gone when the old caulking was removed (whew!).

    Once everything was removed and cleaned, I took a break and let everything dry out for an hour. Then, I used painter's tape around the perimeter of the tub.

    From research here, I definitely thought Reddit was trolling when the advice was to fill up your tub first. Then I read that's a real thing, to caulk when it's full in case it typically "sinks". It is easier on the caulk to compress when the tub is empty than to stretch when it's full. Anyway, I only bothered to fill it 1/4th, not 3/4th. Time and the wasted water were factors in that decision.

    I tried to keep the 45 degree angle throughout. I think I used more caulk than I needed, but if it means a better seal, I'm happy with that outcome. I removed the painter's tape once I smoothed out a section with my finger.

    Any tips for next time?

    Bathtub Caulk Photos

    submitted by /u/shs0007
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    Water damage under bathtub. What now?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:57 PM PDT


    While working in my crawl space in MI today I found that water damage under the bathtub.

    Am I going to have to rip it my 5 year old bathroom to replace this underlayment? Can I just rip it out from underneath and call it good?

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jmonty11b
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    What are my options? An ill fitting fridge...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    So... after lots of back and fourth finally got a fridge delivered to the home we moved into a few days ago. After several delivery no shows. I originally measured for the fridge we ordered a Samsung counter depth, but we ended up getting a slightly different fridge and I did not measure...

    Its about 1/4" to 1/2" too tall to slide all the way back to the cabinet cutout. Looking for advice as to what my options are for getting this properly fitted?

    Pics related: https://imgur.com/a/6cFh4pi

    Appreciate any responses and thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/AdmiralBeetus
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    Any non-standard door knobs on the market??

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I broke a bedrooms doorknob and have purchased 3 different replacements at 3 different stores but all have the same issue, the cross bore/deadbolt diameter/latch bore is too big. The stores measure to be about 1 inch on diameter versus the 5/8 the door allows. All other components of the doorknobs would fit fine (door is standard thickness and bore hole) Has anyone purchased doorknobs with the thinner latch/cross bore? Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/boston-ewa
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    Bottom Screw of toilet tank won’t come off

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Trying to remove an old toilet bolt and nut but the nut and the bolt keep moving at the same time. So I am making no progress moving the nut. This is the last bolt I need off to get the tank off.

    submitted by /u/Fried_Pan_Pizza
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    Soundproof window help

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I rent and my landlord is terrible and would never fix this problem. I have one window thats supposed to be double panned but is missing a pane of glass, has been since i've lived here. Because of this there is a gap of about 1/2 to 1inch which lets in all kinds of noise and wind/air/heat/cold etc.... What can I do to cheaply seal this gap and make this window soundproof?

    submitted by /u/peeweekhaleesi
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    Replacing Basement Windows, why so few DIY options?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Hey all, I've got this 1927 Arts and Crafts house we just bought a few months ago... and all the basement windows are rusted so bad they've expanded to the point where they no longer close. Previous owner caulked them "shut" while still ajar.

    The rough opening is 40x21", an odd size... I know. So here's the raw deal, I like to DIY. I'm far more than capable enough to knock some old mortar out, push the window out of it's opening, pop a new window in, and add some fresh mortar. The job itself should really only be an hour or two and virtually any slob with a hammer, chisel, and enough grit and determination can do it.

    What's more, the window needn't be fancy. I may not be happy about the thermals of our old soda lime, single-pane glass and steel framing... but it's an *unheated* basement. It doesn't *need* argon-filled low-E double-pane R4 whatever... it just needs to be an f'ing window, plain and simple.

    But shopping around at various etailers, Lowes, Home Depot, Menards, Amazon, etc... There's a small selection of cheap windows and a wide selection of high-end shit I don't need and can't afford. Lowes has 4, (wow, four!!!) models of it's store-brand Reliabilt windows which look like what I need, but only in 4 sizes, none of them what will fit, ranging in price from $58 to $75. They then have 9 by Hy-Lite ranging from $264.55 - $372, the most-expensive of which is the one that would fit best. The Reliabilt website shows off a model in the 600 series which seems to be a great fit, but Lowes doesn't carry it... even though Reliabilit is their own store brand. Instead Lowes is selling 3001 series windows, whereas Reliabilt website doesn't even list that... it makes no f'ing sense.

    Meanwhile, the thought occurred to me that the windows themselves aren't the problem, the problem is the frame which is just a basic rectangle wedged in between some cinderblocks and set in with mortar... why shouldn't I be able to DIY my own? And thus far I've been able to find all kinds of DIY vinyl *screen* windows, same idea of any size you want, just cut it to fit... but not for windows.

    Meanwhile, just googling around "custom windows" is enough to soak my pants through with my wallet's tears. Why the fuck aren't there any custom windows that don't cost an arm and a leg and my firstborn child?

    Sorry if I'm a little po'ed... Fought that window for hours tonight, only to have no good solution to the problem. I've ordered a 32x19" window from Amazon for $60, and while the rough size is a whole 4" shy of what I need... I've got bricks, so that'll have to do... It's just not ideal. Someone should've come up with some kind of product or service that provides for this basic function of having a basic, low-cost, window at a custom size. Atm there seems to only be basic windows at only a few sizes and custom windows at only high-end... there's no middleground.

    submitted by /u/McRedditerFace
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    Anyone able to help with stuck window? (NYC)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I'm on the 4th floor. Its a sash window with a top and bottom. Today I had the top window down, as I pushed it back up to close the top right corner popped out of the sash toward the street. Now the window is stuck I can't push it up, down, in or out.

    The left top corner appears to still be in the sash. Bottom window can open or close as normal.

    There's a few inches between where the top of the window is stuck and the top of the frame.

    Not going to have building maintenance come because of coronavirus :( But if anybody could provide any advice for getting the window closed again would very much appreciate.


    Stay safe all. Thanks

    submitted by /u/External-Peanut
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    Best way to hang this holder from ceiling?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    So my wife bought one of these hanging pot racks for our kitchen without really thinking much about it. What's the best way of hanging this thing in a spot where we want it to be, without it ripping out the second we put a pot on it?

    I could use the center beam but that's not where we want it to live. Thanks in advance!

    sorbus ceiling rack

    submitted by /u/kballew27
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