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    Home security: Project I’ve Been Working On

    Home security: Project I’ve Been Working On

    Project I’ve Been Working On

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:30 PM PST

    Hey everyone, pretty new to Reddit but I figure this would be the place to ask my questions, and hopefully other members of the community have some helpful ideas. I have been building an external building on my property, located about 25 ft from my home. I am doing this for the sake of playing my instruments in a more isolated location. The construction is almost complete, and, while it is a fairly secure structure, I have several security concerns. I am going to be storing my musical equipment in this building, and while I don't have the most expensive equipment, I would still like to keep it safe. My ideas as far as security goes may be a little on the paranoid/extreme side of things, but in my estimation you can never be too careful. I have done some extensive research on things like pick resistant mechanical locks, motion detection, and even sound detection in case any thief wants to brute force my locks or sawsalls through the back of my building. I have great concerns that I will complete construction, only to find out that I did not cover all of my bases, and somebody could easily gain access through cheep exploitation. I am curious if anyone in this community has a similar project, or could point me in the right direction as far as fool proof security. I would like some kind of device that could easily be concealed in the ground or something, but that would alert me in some way whenever noise is being produced. For example: somebody drill attacking my locks, or using power tools to gain entry, but that wouldn't detect the regular racket I would be producing with my instruments.

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/AjymSayzars
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    I have No idea how to connect to this camera, apparently it's an X Series IP Camera (Whatever that means) :/

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    I'm trying to connect to this ip camera my mother has in the living room (I live with her) and I'm trying to connect to it to keep an eye on the dogs but I can't figure out how. I don't see any make or model anywhere on the camera.. The only writing it has is on the bottom.. I mean not even like a faded "Samsung" (I'm just using this company as an example) decal.. So I downloaded this app & it's asking for the Model & my IP address (I have no idea how to get that).. So can someone walk me through how to set this up on my phone Please? The only thing I really see in it is the X Series IP Camera and there is an A QR Code but when I scan it it only brings up a code "VIEW-568026-TSDVN" and when I hit search, nothing comes up... Can anyone Help Please?

    submitted by /u/SleepParalysisDemon6
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    How to protect against relay theft hack?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:35 PM PST

    How can I prevent people from using a relay theft hack from unlocking my rfid doors/gates? What about keyless cars?

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Win282
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    DSC 1832 exit delay time

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST

    I observed a 6 minute delay time for arm-stay, though my [005] time values were 045-120-180. I changed the third value down to 005, which changed the arm-stay arming time to about 1:30. For arm-away, the arming time is about 40 seconds, and does not change for a value of 005 or 030.

    My understanding for changing the delay time is: enter programming code, then section [005], then partition number (2 digit 01 in my case), then enter the first entry delay, then second entry delay, then the exit delay.

    Anything I am missing?

    submitted by /u/golksc
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    Surveillance video of election counting.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:47 AM PST

    I'm trying to get about 11 days worth of the surveillance video of ballot counting from my County. They want to give it to me, but say it will take over 17 hours to download and export to AVI format. They want to charge me $60/hr for the download. A total of about $1,200 for download and storage.

    Would it be cheaper to get the data in raw Linux format, buy a similar DVR, and read it myself? Their DVR is about 10 years old.

    Here's what the County is telling me...

    "Our cameras are 720p resolution and stored on a hard drive in a Linux database. The DVR then exports time and date range to AVI video format which is an uncompressed file format giving best detail and largest file size. The system will not export 288 hrs at a time because the file gets too large and therefore needs to be exported as manageable files. The DVR also can optionally add a digital signature to the video exports that simply proves the video came off this device. The DVR is 10-11 years old and has a USB 2.0 port which is mostly likely the bottleneck in the speed of the export. The time for a video export is based on how much video is being exported, not how many cameras are involved. Also, file size is dependent on many factors besides resolution, frames per minute being a big one. A mini DV tape at 720p resolution and 30 fps is around 12.5 gigs per hour."

    Our consultant (the County's) said he can definitely provide a raw Linux file copy for approximately $300. However, this would simply be the raw Linux file and would not be viewable. Our tech consultant does NOT believe you would be able to view any of the video if you chose this approach. Again, to view the video, it must be exported to AVI to watch. If you were to go this route, the County disclaims that you would be able to actually view the video.

    submitted by /u/GretschElectromatic
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