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    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    Home security: Car defense options?

    Home security: Car defense options?

    Car defense options?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    A little over a year ago my brother was apartment sitting for me while I was on vacation. His catalytic converter was stolen from his car in the parking lot. After asking the apartment complex if they had any cameras that might have caught the thief and finding out they didn't, I bought myself a small camera that I put in my front window to look out over the parking lot. I later found out that this has happened quite a few times throughout the complex.

    Today my apartment complex contacted me and told me that it was against policy for me to have the camera in my window. I raised my concerns, but they don't care. I'm planning on moving out after my lease is up, but until then I'm curious if there are any security options that I can install in my car to keep my property safe.

    I appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/hexrgon
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    Home defense when gun is not legally allowed

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:28 PM PST


    I live in the U.S. however, due to some stupid shit I did during college, I have a felony and can't legally own a gun. Also due to that felony, I have a shitty job and live in a shitty area. My neighbors are good people just trying to get by, for the most part.

    But we do have a gang in the neighborhood. When I first moved here, I didn't know. They did something I didn't like, I yelled at them and they pulled a gun on me. They know where I live too.

    What are good home defense measures? I did the cheap stuff like installing 3 inch screws on my doors. I have a putbull too. I can't do things like install a security door or get those security films on my windows because I can't afford them right now.

    What else can I do?


    submitted by /u/whatwhatworkoutbro
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    Crime Deterrence is Better than Home Defense.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:17 AM PST

    When it comes to home security, we've been made to think that expensive electronics (huge profits) are the answer when a simple, low-cost, police-accepted strategy is preferable. The police don't have the time or resources to chase down property crimes unless you use the strategy they recommend. That strategy is called Operation ID in the U.S. and Canada, and proxy marking in Ireland, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand. This method of home and personal security dates back to the 1960s, but I am the first company to modernize the approach using the internet. Here's how MyPropertyID works. Think of a license plate on a car. All it takes is a screwdriver to take it off. Its power is in the backend databases the police tap into to trace stolen vehicles. MyPropertyID is a private version that also works as a global lost and found.

    submitted by /u/MyPropertyID
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    Best and cheapest apartment camera?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    I live in a small apartment complex and there have been reports of people stealing packages off people's front step.

    I just want a cheap, but also decent option for a camera. I checked out Ring but it's too expensive for me at the moment due to a COVID layoff.

    Any suggestions and why?

    submitted by /u/RainbowedGlitch45
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    Faq, beginner

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Should make a faq for newbies, like me.

    So how do I start.


    submitted by /u/ldshn
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    Smoke detector placement

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Ok, so I'm adding a smoke detector to my monitored alarm system. Right now, I only have one. Where is the best place to install it? Downstairs? Upstairs? What makes the most sense?

    For reference, I have about 7 non monitored smoked detectors spread throughout the house, just not tied into my monitored alarm system.

    The one that's tied into the monitored system - that's the one I need help with. Down the road, I plan on adding another.

    submitted by /u/Eboettn
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    Strange, seemingly targeted vehicles outside my house, potentially nefarious?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Recently, on certain late afternoons and early evenings, my family and I began noticing several instances where some unfamiliar vehicle would be poking around and about, sometimes parking outside of our left neighbours with their headlights on and pointed towards our house. Several times now my father would return home from work to find the car parked outside, of which would drive away soon after. This had led us to believe that the car might be trying to keep tab on our family schedule. Now, we live in a rather secluded, kind of wealthy neighbourhood which would certainly provide some kind of motive if they were indeed up to no good. Although I can't say that similar situations have happened in the past around the neighbourhood, I do know that one of our neighbours did get his wallet stolen earlier in the year when he left his car unlocked outside at night (we live in a rather safe country, or so we thought we did).

    My own experience with the cars occurred last week when I was out walking my dog in the late afternoon, early evening. No one was home then so the house was dark whereas all of our neighbours had lights on. I was on my way back when I noticed this white SUV backing out of the driveway of a house a couple houses down and driving in the opposite direction of the neighbourhood exit. (For context our neighbourhood is unusual as its just one large loop with one exit and two roundabout streets, the car was driving in the direction of the longer way out.) I thought nothing at it at first until I got closer towards my home and noticed that the car came back after having driven past my house. I kept my attention on the car as I went inside and noticed that the car went through a nearby roundabout street and had parked near the exit, with a relatively good view of my home. I kept the SUV in mind and told my father around an hour later when he came home. He then claimed that he saw a car parked beside our neighbours, but he didn't catch the build due to the blaring headlights. When we looked outside to check the car was gone. My mother had apparently saw a car (unsure about the build) parked outside our neighbours a couple nights earlier too.

    We kind of forgot about it until just last night, my father was heading up the driveway when he noticed a vehicle parked in the same spot outside our neighbours as last time, lights on. This time he remembered and drove back out to check. It was a van this time, and definitely not the same car I saw last week. He parked behind the van and took note of its license plate number. The van started moving and tried to park at the roundabout exit, but my father kept on it, so it slowly drove out of the loop and left.

    We are unsure about the intentions of said vehicle but given the circumstances, it's hard to think of other reasons why. Our right neighbour is planning to rent their house out but that doesn't explain why the car was parked outside of our left neighbour. Knowing my immediate neighbours, we don't think its a drug/undercover cop thing either (could be a possibly if the elderly wanted something to do after retirement). We might be overthinking but the whole reactive thing is really getting on our nerves. So please, any advice on what to do in this situation would certainly help a lot. We've really hoping to dislodge the threat before something bad happens to the family, and just as 2020 is going away too! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Liwuyi
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    Two strange cars outside my house.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:50 PM PST

    I live in a rural area and unfortunately have a lot of drugdealers around my area so i have to be careful. But around 3 days ago at 1:30 am a car pulled up in my long driveway. Luckily I was awake and went out to see what they wanted. It was 3 men and 1 woman all middle aged in the car. They wanted to know where a woman lived. She lived a few houses down. So i gave them the directions they needed and they went on their way. I thought it was really weird that they came so early in the morning but i thought they were just going to make a drugdeal so I did not think much about it. But today at around 5: 30 in the afternoon another car pulled up in the driveway really fast so I went out to see what they wanted. When i got out the door he seemed kinda shocked and just said uhhhhh. Then when I asked could i help you he said he was looking for Jason I have lived in this area eversince I was a kid. And I know evreyone up through here and I have no clue who this Jason was. He said uhhhhh this is what the gps gave me and when i said sorry he just said okay and drove off. Given the fact that I had the other car ask me for directions so early in the morning and then had another one ask me for directions in the afternoon. And that the afternoon guy seemed kinda anxious and unsure of himself should i be worried that these are potential burgelers scouting out my property or do you think they are just some druggies looking for their dealers?

    P.S: Sorry if I make druggies and drugs sound so common in my area but it truly is. They even gave my county a nickname involving the word meth.

    submitted by /u/mangos_2808
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    Making cameras not ugly?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I'm thinking of putting a camera or two on the front of my house, but don't love the dystopian aesthetic they create.

    I was planning to go with Unifi G3 or G4 bullets as I already have a few, but they're not exactly pretty and seem easy for someone to rip off the wall. I see they have a G4 dome in beta which seems harder to rip away, but still doesn't exactly look great.

    What have folks here done to make them look better? Build a little wooden birdhouse enclosure? A tiny roof over the camera? Are there smaller or otherwise nicer-looking cameras I should consider? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/fisherrider
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