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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Home Improvement: Can’t find a septic tank?

    Home Improvement: Can’t find a septic tank?

    Can’t find a septic tank?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Has this been an issue for anyone?

    My husband and I had an offer accepted on a house. We knew going in that it's on well & septic.

    The current owners aren't living in the home and going through their own stuff, so there's little contact we've had with them, and I'm unsure either are living in town at this point. We're not sure how recently they moved out of the house, just sometime between April-June.

    We ordered all our inspections and everything has come back to us normal, except......no one can find the fucking septic tank.

    We had THREE separate companies come out and look, the first two barely looked and left. We chalked it up to just contractor bs (I built residential homes for the last 10 years, so I'm used to construction culture)

    The third inspector we called came out and looked, but said he couldn't find it. We have the schematics & location for the tank. Sellers state it hasn't been moved or pumped since 2011, but I wasn't too worried because A) all drains & toilets emptied fine when we saw the place, and B) we've gone back and haven't smelled sewage and there isn't a boggy area near the tank (rain or no)

    The last inspector we had out said he saw city sewage lines, and because he couldn't locate the tank he said the house appears to be connected to our city sewage.

    However, when we search utility records for the property there is NO evidence or bill collecting sewage fees. It also seems weird that they'd only have the sewage and not water hook up as well.....also, wouldn't the Seller or their realtor have told us up front if the property wasn't on septic? After 9 years in the house, they'd know if it was on city sewage, right?

    Our realtor is trying to get to the bottom of the situation now, but we had to get an addendum for our backout period because we're waiting on this fucking septic. Has this happened to anyone else? What the heck is going on?

    If we didn't absolutely love the property, and everything about it, we'd have moved on to another house....but neither of us wants to let the house go because it is our dream house.

    We just want to know where the fuck the shit's going 😭😭😭

    submitted by /u/flutemakenoisego
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    Contractor hell (again)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I posted a few weeks ago about the hell I was dealing with. We hired my friends husband's "company" to come in to our home we just bought and do new floors, new paint, new trim, and new baseboards. Also needed Sheetrock put in one room. Things seem to be going good and then we go after about a week and a half to check in and find a disaster. Our recently remodeled bathrooms were covered in paint overspray, our bedroom was painted the wrong color, my front porch was caked in paint, paint drips were all over the walls, etc. a nightmare!

    We immediately called the contractor and said this was awful and we needed it fixed. He comes out and says it'll be fixed and the two guys will be fired. So we check in three days later and it's looking better but these guys are still there working. Then I find out they've been smoking in my house. I call again and say I'm over it and my house needs to be done In a week and it better be done right.

    So here we are to this week. My house is "finished". It was left with a closet that had half a ceiling painted, a shitty cover up job on a hole they knocked in the wall, bad paint job, and floor already pulling up. They left Thursday and said they were done. Contractor asked me for $6400 and harassed me for it. We paid $4500 up front for materials. Originally was quoted $4500 up front, $5200 at the end. He says because he had to go back and fix things that we needed to pay him for his time. Ummm no? It should have been done right the first time. So we go back Friday to check it out. Y'all my house looks awful!! I'll attach pictures.

    We had a meeting today at the house with him. He says he will repaint my porch and fix everything but this came after a huge blowup that led to him slamming my front door and slamming my cabinets looking for something. Keep in my this is my friends husband and guess who he brings to the meeting this morning. HER. So it put me in a really awkward spot. He says in order to fix everything we have to pay him the $6400. We say no we will pay when it's completed.

    The work we were left with is terrible and looks like something my husband and I could have done ourselves. He calls us a few hours ago to say we need to pay him. We again say no and that we are concerned with the extra amount because we feel the work is not adequate. He starts telling me because my house was built in 1980 that I have too high of expectations and I shouldn't be concerned over things like closets because no one else cares and it's not a new house. Then I get upset and say that we deserve to have a good job done and just because our house is older and cheaper doesn't mean we deserve bad work. Then he tells me I am the worst person he's ever dealt with and I'm too picky. I feel like I have been very kind and willing to forgive. I'm not a Karen, I try to always give second chances and it seems that he's not used to a woman putting him in his place.

    He has also asked us to write the check to him and not his business. I don't feel comfortable with that. Is this normal?? Sorry this is long but we don't know what to do. Our whole house pretty much needs to be fixed again. I don't feel he deserves $6400.

    pics of bad job

    submitted by /u/maloney277
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    Painted shutters

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hey all, I posted here earlier in the summer looking for advice on painting aluminum shutters. Thought I'd give an update!

    Got them done finally at the end of August. Used a phosphate free cleaner (forgetting the brand off top of my head), then primed with killz and used Aura exterior latex. Both sprayed on with a Homeright Finishmax sprayer.


    submitted by /u/d_k_8
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    Moldy space behind sink.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Hi, I am wondering what options I have with a sink that is raised (sits about 1cm above the table) and has a 2cm gap behind it. This gap always fills with water and gets moldy and disgusting, but it seems to be built into the design of the sink. Can I fill it? come up with a way that makes it not grow disgusting lifeforms? Any help at all would be great.


    submitted by /u/laniik
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    Is it rude to call contractors on Sunday morning?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Just curious. I'm a new homeowner, don't have much experience dealing with small business owners e.g. all the contractors I'm trying to reach.

    What is the etiquette? Is calling an electrician or plumber on 10am on Sunday morning rude? Saturday? I know I'd be pissed if I had to take a work call over the weekend but I don't own my own business. On the other hand if I was confined to calling contractors during regular business hours only, I'd never be able to reach them because during business hours I'm working...

    Most of the time the number I'd be calling is a cellphone, not a landline / office number.

    If you're a contractor I'd love to know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/TheGraby
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    Grout paint worth it?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I have an OLD honeycomb white tile in my bathroom that is in good shape, except for the grout that is very dirty. It's 60 years old, and I've tried multiple chemical to clean it.

    I've heard grout paint it amazing, and I've heard it trash. I used a grout paint pen once, which was trash. Does anyone have experience or recommendations?


    submitted by /u/goobesmcgee
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    Insulating a garden shed, should I keep or get rid of the the vents at the floor and up near the roof?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    I'm insulating my shed with faced fiberglass roll insulation in between the 2x4 studs. The shed has existing vents near the floor and one up near the ceiling under the ridge of the roof. Should I get rid of the vents or should I figure out a way to install new vents through the insulation? I'm just trying to keep the shed above freezing through a southern New York Winter which is typically pretty mild with a few days a year that drop well below freezing.

    submitted by /u/binjamin222
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    What is this weird tank in my closet?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Context: house was built in 1924. It has a boiler in the basement and iron radiators throughout the house, but they are no longer operating since there are furnaces on both floors now.

    Is this some leftover oil tank or something?


    submitted by /u/ShinShinGogetsuko
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    Drier Vents Into Garage

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    As the title says the drier in my new home vents into the garage. In trying to google engineer my way through this problem all I find is "indoor vent kits" which just catch lint with a water basin on the outlet. Who cares about lint when you're pumping moisture into your home?

    Has anyone else experienced this issue? For the life of me I cannot find something like a 4" Y strainer or water knockout air filter similar to what I see in my refinery job but for residential use. Any product links or stories are appreciated. Please don't tell me to run a vent outside.

    submitted by /u/10F0ur
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    My Rental is My Temple

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I love making improvements to my rental and former home. I bought the home six years ago and am noticing a lot of not so great DIY. At some point a mud room was added and the space between the drop ceiling and roof is not insulated. I live in PA and if it's a cold winter the room can easily go below freezing. I am wondering if R19 insulation for this space is okay or if it would be better to go with a combo of r19 and r30 for extra insulation.

    Also to my belief there is some oil coming through the floor of my basement from underneathspace and oil the house what do you think I should do...

    Pictures in the link.

    Thanks everyone I am so gracious for your help.

    submitted by /u/phantomtatum
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    What type of garage lighting fixtures should I install?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I'm doing a complete rewiring of my garage, including all new light fixtures. What types of lighting fixtures should I use?

    Garage specs:

    • Garage size is 750 square feet
    • 12-foot-high ceilings
    • Automatic garage door has narrow horizontal windows along the top.
    • The side entrance door has a window in the upper half.
    • There's also a 4-ft X 4-ft window next to the side door.
    • I will also be replacing the garage door opener
    submitted by /u/WiresSchmires
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    Has anyone actually been received Menards rebates, 11% or otherwise?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    cross posted on r/menards...

    I should note I did a few Menard's rebates in 2018 without issue.

    I have sent in many rebates in the last year and have received nothing. I attempt to track them using my name and address and nothing shows up. Until now, I assumed there was a big backlog and with the pandemic, so I thought I should just be patient. But speaking with friends and family who shop there with similar experience, and reading about the class action that is forming, I am now led to believe that we are being robbed.

    So I ask Reddit, who here has sent in and received rebates from Menards in the last year or so? Please include whatever details you can on dates and turnaround time. Thanks!

    I do have photos of most of the receipts and I will hopefully find the time and avenue for disputing with the rebate processor. I will try to update here as to progress there. So far I have used their email form to ask for status. I have not yet been contacted.

    submitted by /u/CleoThyme
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    Advice please!! Just broke the main water shut off valve...

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    We are replacing a floating sink that the wall brackets rusted off of and that doesn't have it's own shutoff valves. We went under the house to shut off the main valve and the handle snapped right off! I'm low key panicking now because the sink is literally falling off the wall and I have no idea what to do or how to replace the main shutoff valve.

    submitted by /u/00cottoncandy00
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    Need some advice on a blind/cover for this window. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    It's a cool window, but a serious pain trying to cover up. Any recommendations? window

    submitted by /u/uptothemountains7
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    I bought a house and the dishwasher drain hose did not have a high loop, i installed a newer longer hose and used a zip tie to create a high loop and now every time the dishwasher drains i hear a loud gurgling sound. Is there something wrong?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Thanks for any help, i don't know what's causing it or if i have my high loop setup wrong.

    submitted by /u/prefer-to-be-hiking
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    DIY spray insulation for hard to access area?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    What is my best option for insulation when the area is small- roughly 4'x4' max under a back entry that is going to be hard to access. I may have the space of about one cinder block or less through which to spray. I'm very handy but have no experience with spray insulation.

    submitted by /u/PoofyMoon
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    Hardwood or Vinyl?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Quite simply, my husband and I are building a townhouse and have the option of luxury vinyl ($5,000 add on) or hardwood ($0.00). He's on team hardwood for its durability and longevity and I'm on team vinyl because it looks more modern and less dated. We'd really like to know what Reddit thinks! Help!

    Pics of two sample kitchens with the options we'd most likely go with (not necessarily the same cabinets):

    Hardwood: https://ibb.co/H2HChjB

    Vinyl: https://ibb.co/1RC9BbL

    EDIT: Thanks for the feedback everyone! You've helped us continue our discussion to make a good decision...I'm slowly leaning towards team hardwood....slowly

    submitted by /u/Undercover_Metalhead
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    How do I remove a peephole without notches?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I'm trying to remove my peephole so I can install my Ring peephole camera. The peephole only turns right, not left. How do I get this thing out? Thanks!! Pictures below:

    https://imgur.com/dtwqBD9 https://imgur.com/iYYDJLM https://imgur.com/boEP8YA

    submitted by /u/blueboxsweetie10
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    Pissed and I don't know if I should be.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    So, I cannot decide if this is just anger from the original job not being done on delivery. But, the home builder and their plumbing contractors installed a larger tankless water heater. This required a number of new holes be punched in the wall.

    And now I have active draining going right at the cement blocks my hvac are on.

    Should I be pissed? Is the drainage going to be a problem? Anything I can do without moving the drainage or the hvac? drainage piping

    submitted by /u/mikeofmany
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    Coverting two toggle switches to a single

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Just moved. New house has a single three way toggle switch that turns on light at bottom of basement stairs. Once down the stairs there is set of two more toggles on the wall. The one is a three way that works with the one at the top of stairs to turn on light at bottom. The other toggle works to turn on rest of basement lights. I want to remove the second toggle switch and allow the three way to turn on all lights in the basement, what is the easiest way to do this? Can i create a pigtail and combine the wires to the toggle in the basement?

    submitted by /u/alostreflection
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    Leaky air bleed valve, why?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Anybody know why suddenly the air bleed valve is having a slight leak from that one spot with the water droplet? How can I fix it?


    submitted by /u/chewybars88
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    How bad is this dormer roof beam?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Our house is a 95 year old bungalow. Along with being old, it's had shoddy work done by flippers the bank's contractors after it was foreclosed on, and Dog knows who. At one point, the roof was raised and a full second floor added to the existing room with a dormer window.

    In preparation for getting new ceiling lights and insulation in that room, we pulled down the drywall and insulation. This is what we found:

    https://imgur.com/a/VoGDPFo https://imgur.com/a/gzHQAdR

    Now I'm not the smartest man in the world, but shouldn't there be a solid 2x6 or at least 2x4 holding up a roof? We have professionals we trust coming tomorrow, but I'm curious.

    Our roof is solid and has been through some tough Great Lakes winds. But I haven't actually stood on top of this part of the house (which was part of the original design or added shortly thereafter).

    submitted by /u/Shut_Up_Fuckface
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    Installing tongue and groove pine over drywall.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    DIY'er here.

    I'm looking to lay tongue and groove pine over drywall ceiling and walls.

    Would you strap the drywall before installing the pine? or just find and mark the studs and screw right to those?

    submitted by /u/ImNikkiPotnick
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