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    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Home security: Securing half glass exterior door

    Home security: Securing half glass exterior door

    Securing half glass exterior door

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Thank you in advance. I have a three car detached shop behind my house with a two car overhead door and a non standard width man door. The man door is a little more than half glass. I'd like to secure the glass as anything I do on the locking front won't matter if they smash the window. I've seen film and heard what the folks here say about its difficulty to install. What about a mesh screwed to the door behind the glass. I don't have a high theft concern but I'd rather take the precaution. Further it doesn't have to be pretty. As the door is very odd sized to replace it would be costly and not an immediate option. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/IAmKraven
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    DSC PC1550 suddenly buzzing after 10 years unplugged

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    My system is more than 20 years old and was unplugged more than 10 years ago, today after the doorbell suddenly rings (my doorbell is wonky & doesn't really work so that was weird), the 2 boxes (alarms? has a Friedland & bell shape on the gray cover inside the box) started low buzzing, buzzing stops when the cover is removed but the Friedland box bit inside remains warm. What's the problem?

    submitted by /u/brudarkb
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    Looking for an 6mm 8k POE camera

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    A while ago I bought two IP cams (DS-2CD2385FWD-I) but never installed them. I didn't know about the https://calculator.ipvm.com/ tool and the 4mm versions I had bought where too wide to give me good ppf numbers for identification. So the cams sat in the basement for a while and after witnessing a carjacking on my street last week I now have a renewed urge to get the proper cams and finish my setup :)

    So I'm looking for something that has a 6mm lens. The cameras I had bought do come in that version, but hikvision makes a new model now (DS-2CD2385G1-I) that has a bigger sensor and an F/1.6 aperature so technically should get better image.

    I did however find a thread on ipcamtalk with a guy posting night pictures of that one and it was kind of average. Not sure if his settings were bad but those pics made me question if that G1 cam is good. It fits my budget pretty well though so I'm still considering it.

    And that's pretty much the two options that j found that have a fixed 6mm lens. Moving beyond that I'd need to look at those varifocal ones that are close to double the price. But is the resulting image twice as good? Or I'm just paying for the added convenience of adjustability?

    Hikvision makes two of them varifocal in 8mp. The DS-2CD2H83G1-IZ(S) and DS-2CD2H85FWD-IZS. The cheaper H83G1 has an aperture of F/1.6 and a max 15fps at 4k, while the more expensive H85FWD has an aperture of F1/4 with a max of 20fps at 4k. Both with a 1/2.5 sensor like my current ones.

    They'll all be connected to a blue iris box and record onto a 30TB nas so no space constraints; I plan on running them at the max fps possible.

    Hikvision makes now those colorvu cams but they're only 4MP max, so that's a deal breaker for me; I played around in the planner tool I linked above and the ppf loss is too great to be used as an identification cam. Sure I'll see if a red car drives by but I'd rather have a clear image of the face if the guy stops and goes checking up stuff in my driveway.

    The cams will be installed in a residential area that has street lighting. I'm also open to the idea of installing supplemental led floods if the IR night image is meh. (Anyone found 90+ CRI outdoor LED floods?)

    I'm a fan of the turret style cams as you can see from my options. They're low profile enough to be nicely mounted on my house walls and don't stick out. I'm always worried that a bullet will eventually droop down with time as there's more forward weight so I avoid that style :)

    Let me know if you have any experience with any of the cams I listed or if you would like to recommend something else.

    Thanks for reading,

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    submitted by /u/1bgo8QWN
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    Combining cameras, lights, and fencing for privacy+security

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I bought my house in an "up and coming" neighborhood in a large town/small city a couple years ago and we're having issues with theft on ours and our neighbors' property. We live in a sort of weird place physically, at a topographical low point compared to the rest of the neighborhood. Bounding our property is a road to the north, rental houses to the east and west, and a business' parking lot on the south (and south of that, a public trail). Most of the attacks on us and our neighbors seem to be coming at night from the south side, where the parking lot is (and where we park our cars, since it's the only convenient way to bring in materials for our renovations).

    The property is both long and narrow, and our one-story house is below elevation compared to everything surrounding us (except the parking lot, which is at the same elevation). This creates privacy issues because neighbors can look directly down into our windows, but is it also part of the problem security-wise? Potential thieves literally have the upper ground as they approach our house.

    We've already done the obvious things - installed deadbolts, make sure we keep windows locked, and added more outdoor lighting including motion-sensor flood lights. We're also looking into an IP camera system to monitor the parking lot and perhaps other points on the property.

    My question is: I'd like to add an opaque wooden fence for privacy, especially on one side where you can look directly into our house from the neighbor's yard and house. Would this just be giving thieves more cover, or would it also be an effective deterrent?

    My thinking is that I could use fencing to limit access to our property to specific points and then control those points with lighting and cameras. It would also make it harder for thieves to escape by simply running through neighbors' yards (I actually once chased someone through several neighbors' yards when I caught him trying to pull parts off my truck).

    On the other hand, a determined thief could climb even an 8-foot fence and bypass the control points (our code prohibits anything like barbed wire, sharpened stakes, etc). So if I'm gonna go through the trouble of installing fencing, I want to be sure that I'm actually limiting the attack surface. I've considered shrubs as well, but those take some time to mature.

    Other information:

    - I am in contact with the owners of the properties on either side, and could coordinate with them;
    - We have a lot of experience with building/construction and can do most of the work ourselves including significant modifications to our house;
    - I'm willing to spend *some* money, maybe up to $2000 for fencing, cameras, lighting, etc;
    - I'm more concerned about simple theft at this point rather than personal assault; we don't have a lot of violent crime here. Most theft seems to be from addicts looking for tools or equipment they can quickly pawn to get their fix;
    - I'm a large heavyset dude and don't feel like I need anything beyond a baseball bat when it comes to personal protection at this point. The dude I chased through the neighborhood was half my size and scared shitless when I caught up with him.

    submitted by /u/lowergroundthrowaway
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    Will turning down motion detection sensitivity prevent me from getting so many push notifications when it detects trees or shadows moving?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Just got 5 LTS cameras installed. Love the clarity and night color mode. One thing that is bothering me is the amount of push notifications that I'm getting.

    I have tons of trees and bushes in my front, back and side of the house. I also live right in front of a neighbor with tons of trees too, more than me actually.

    Today was pretty windy and I got like 50 notifications in an hour. If I turn down the sensitivity, which are all set at 40 right now, will that help?

    I only want to see real events, like if someone comes to my driveway, or if someone is jumping my fence, etc. I don't want to get a notification everytime the wind blows and the tree moves. It just makes me worry that one day if someone does come to my house, I'll dismiss the notification as just a bush.


    Edit: not sure if this matters or not, but 2 of my cameras are about 20 ft. up. The others are 6 ft. up.

    submitted by /u/Expensive-Star8370
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    POE Camera Selection

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    After doing some research it seems mostly everyone reccomends going for a dahua/hikvision setup. I was originally planning on just buying ubiquiti cameras but would rather go for something more quality, not to mention ubqiuti cameras are extremly expensive with limited abilites. For my use case, there will be setting up 3/4 cameras which are going to be setup on a blue iris pc. Dahua starlights and hikvisions just seem way too overkill for my use. Are there cheaper options for the dahuas? Everyone just reccomends 5442s but again those feel way to overkill. Also read that Amcrests are just rebranded dahuas. Going with amcrest would be much simpler since they are available on amazon. Was looking at this in particular: https://www.amazon.com/Amcrest-5-Megapixel-NightVision-Weatherproof-IP5M-T1179EW-28MM/dp/B083G9KT4C/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=amcrest&qid=1593313470&s=electronics&sr=1-4

    Also is there a way to connet/setup blue iris to send push notifications or alerts to mobile when there is motion detected?

    submitted by /u/Cookie993
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    How to force or persuade someone to get a gun and a dog?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    My dad has been broken into once a few years ago. He has the hardened doors, the security film, the alarm system, the indoor and outdoor cameras. He has never been broken into since.

    However, the absolutely most important things he's missing is a dog and guns. From what I've read here, guns and a dog are the absolute best home defense tools anyone can ever have.

    Apparently, when he was young, he accidentally shot his friend with his dad's pistol. He still hasn't gotten over it. When I took him to the range a few months ago, he just looked scared and anxious when holding the gun. He said he just doesn't like guns and wouldn't have the time to consistently train.

    As for dogs, he's using responsibility as an excuse I think. He said he doesn't have the time or energy to give the dog the proper love and care it deserves, so he won't bother.

    What can I do persuade him?

    submitted by /u/Snoo-90920
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    Had to reinstall my alarm so I could move forward

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    When I bought my house I decided I wanted to install an alarm. I am an electrician by trade but they make install alarms from time to time. I also needed to know more about them if I was gonna install them, anyway, today I wanted to reconfigure it so I could use it as inputs and outputs to my smart home and vise versa but it was a mess, I'm not a very good software guy, so I do a lot of hardware stuff because I understand it better. See what you think, before or after?




    submitted by /u/greenskycity
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    Any ideas on what this system is?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    I recently purchased a house that has 5 poe dome style cameras around the house. I can't figure out who the manufacturer is for these cameras. Description on the camera is "2 MP IR Indoor/outdoor Network Dome Camera, 2.8mm fixed lense" model number IPC-HD8W4231E-ADT28. My initial thought was that they are ADT Cameras, but an ADT sales person came by and said they're not. Nothing seems to come up on my Google searches. 5 ethernet cables are coming out of a wall in the house and I'm looking for NVR recommendations that would work with these.


    submitted by /u/Nicksterr2000
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