• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Home security: Woman in area potentially doing drugs on my doorstep at night

    Home security: Woman in area potentially doing drugs on my doorstep at night

    Woman in area potentially doing drugs on my doorstep at night

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    UK, LONDON I saw her on my ring camera doorbell (outside my place) with a black male who was pretending to be blind? a ruse? and another woman who looked out of it around 3-4 am. The man I think was a dealer. They were saying something about 25 ml or 25 mg. He seemed to be smoking something. Its either marijuana or something harder. They spooked when I confronted them on the speaker (im up in the late hrs as a nightowl) I see her almost every day on my outdoor camera running up to bins checking around there why is she doing this behavior what is she looking for?

    Told police, dont think its a priority because of corona virus?

    submitted by /u/seriousranter
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    Request: A better way to track outdoor motion.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I am putting together a SmartThings Hub system to monitor everything in my new home and to allow me to control everything from lights, to the front door to the thermostat, etc...

    I will have approximately 4-5 outdoor motion sensors on the outside of the home. Those sensors will link to the hub and then from there I can do whatever with the information.

    So if someone decides to walk past my garage, open the back gate (which will have a sensor on it) and then to my backyard patio I want some visual representation of where the motion is currently being monitored.

    In the past, I have had lamps stationed around the home that would light up red once motioned was detected in that particular area. This way I could see people walking into my backyard as the different lights lit up (and turned off approximately 10 seconds after motion was no longer detected). I also had a little chime that would go off once the back gate was opened (and this time I am going to try and set an alert to go to my phone).

    But I am looking for a better way to represent the real-time motion the sensors are picking up. Preferably even on a screen or possibly through an app or device that can verbally tell me the area detected motion.

    Anyone have any good ideas?

    submitted by /u/Tyrael
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    Protecting documents and data from theft and natural disaster in an apartment

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Hey folks. I would like to put a few security measures in place in my apartment.

    The two key things I'm most concerned about would be burglary and natural disaster. The latter in my area would likely be earthquake or fire.

    The primary things I would not want to be destroyed or stolen are a laptop, external drives, and important documents. The laptop and drives are encrypted and backed up online, but I'd still rather not lose them. Documents are...well, documents. Passport etc.

    One idea I have is to get a safe. But, I'm learning that a good one is expensive, and I'm still not sure if it can be both fire-proof and theft-proof. I would assume you can get a theft-proof safe and put a fire-proof box inside, but don't quote me on that. I also can't bolt it down to my apartment, though if it emitted a loud alarm when being carried off, that would be enough, I think.

    The other is simply hiding stuff -- I've heard of tactical walls, so that might work, but even that could be overkill. The downside is, I believe a laptop can be tracked down since it emits a bluetooth signal. And this doesn't protect from disaster.

    Lastly, I could just get a home security system, but honestly last time I had one it was a complete waste. It went off and it took 45 minutes for cops to show up. It ended up being a false alarm, probably something fell and set it off. (Next time definitely need to have a camera to be sure, not just other kinds of sensors.) But even with a good security system and a camera in place, there is plenty of time to steal anything unsecured. And again, this doesn't protect from disaster.

    So, by that logic, I should get a safe. Does the logic seem reasonable? Any flaws? And, any recommendations for the safe itself? Budget can stretch as needed but obviously keeping costs down is always good.

    submitted by /u/MelodicParsnip
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    Best “Australia” friendly home defence weapon against intruders

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Here in Australia we have pretty strict 'weapon' laws. Alot of common defence items to the rest of the world are banned here including pepper spray, swords, guns etc

    What would be some options for us in the event of intruders? Baseball bat seem pretty tame and not likely to deter/stop anyone from breaking in while we are home...

    submitted by /u/liquidshade
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    Axis M1065-LW - Indoor WiFi Camera

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Protecting a storage locker (wood)?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I have a storage locker behind my unit in a carport. It's all wood and the front is a set of double doors. There is a thick hasp I bought from Home Depot with hidden screws (when locked) and it has a masterlock on it right now. I know the masterlock is junk, but we're in a safe area so I thought nothing of it. Nowadays I think we'll start to see some more theft so I want to get a better lock in place.

    I don't have super expensive stuff in there, the most expensive is probably a stock radio I have for a ~10 year old car. There are a bunch of tools though which can add up fast. I was thinking about either getting this ABUS: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MSZB4G9

    Or this Abloy which I'd get keyed alike with my home locks: https://securitysnobs.com/Abloy-Protec2-PL-330-Padlock.html

    The other thing I wanted help with was trying to see how I can further secure the doors. I can't do too much as I live in an HOA, but some other things I've seen people do were add another hasp at the top of their door, or add some vertical 2x4s on the middle of the door to hold the hasp and lock better.

    Anything else I should consider doing? When I'm on vacation I usually park my SUV right up to the door so even if the lock got knocked off, you couldn't open the doors. This is mostly to prevent people passing by with a crow bar. Thanks all and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/iHaveADD
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    First floor windows/doors: security film vs privacy film, or can I use both films on the same door?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Hello, thanks you all for creating a hub of information. I am hoping you all can help advise on window privacy and protection films:

    I am hoping to increase protection and/or privacy on my main floor doors and on the few windows that I have decided to leave curtain-less. Privacy glass film had been the plan, but protective film is looking better at this time. I haven't seen anything that provides opacity and breakage protection, so I have three questions:

    1. Does a film exist that provides both breakage protection and privacy? IF NOT:

    2. Can I layer privacy and protection film? IF NOT:

    3. If you had to choose between one or the other, which would you choose?

    Additional Info: I have two doors: the front door is a single pane of glass (66x28") while the back door has nine panels on its top half (11x6.5" each). I also have two kitchen windows (60x30 and 35x33") and a window in my entryway (30x48").

    I have window and door sensors, motion lights, and additional door locks.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/a_pastel_universe
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    Home Security Survey

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I am taking a product innovation course at Lehigh University in which we are required to design and market a product. My group's assignment is to design a product related to home automation. We have an idea for a potential product that requires more input, and would really appreciate your thoughts by answering our 3-question survey.

    We are looking to provide a high tech security system that enables tech-savvy homeowners to secure their entire house and access their home security on the go through a mobile app to ensure customers constantly feel safe within their homes. We really appreciate any ideas you could share that will help us better understand the problem. And, we welcome any suggestions you have that will guide us to create a great solution.

    We sincerely appreciate your participation in our project. And we thank you in advance if you could forward our survey link to anyone who may be interested in providing input to our idea as well. Below is the link to our survey:


    submitted by /u/sydney29c
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    Too late to get a gun, what other options exist?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I was previously a resident of NYC before this whole virus stuff began. I immediately dipped out of there once the lockdown order was announced. i am back in my parents place in NJ for the foreseeable future. Since I moved out several years ago, I have tried severally to convince them to get a firearm. (old age and being in the house alone). They never got one and the current situation has got us all a little worried about safety. Specifically the jails releasing some inmates back into public. So What are the best alternative options to a gun since it just so happens that gun stores are considered non essential business' lol? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ericdolphyfan
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    Ring vs. Frontpoint for home security system

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Moving houses and wondering if Ring is better than Frontpoint.

    I've been on FP for awhile and they are giving me the new hub, keypad and doorbell cam for free plus I've got a few sensors already but weary of continuing to pay $47/month for three years if I move ahead. Most reviews say they have the best customer service and the app seems to be about as good as Ring.

    Does Ring have cellular monitoring only of wifi goes out? Seems Frontpoint could be more secure.

    If someone hacks my wifi am I safer with Frontpoint?

    submitted by /u/crutonic
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    What are the different types of security cameras?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    So this past two weeks our car got hit by a drunk driver (hit and run), someone crashed their car into our yard a few days later and now someone broke into one of our cars. I'm look for a camera that will record at least 5 days worth of footage and that it has good quality and night vision. I did a bit of research and the only thing that I've heard of that Is slightly off putting is cameras that have Chinese servers? Not sure how they work or which ones they are. So if you guys can tell me which have Chinese servers so I can avoid them and what you guys recommend I buy.

    I don't really have a budget but I would like something buildable I want to start small and expand. (But not necessary)

    submitted by /u/noodless10
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    Question about CCTV camera and data usage

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Hello ladies and gentlemen. Hope you are doing fine this wednesday.

    So basically I have been given the glorious task of finding a suitable homecam by my dad in law... You see, i'm like Phil from Modern Family with that fuckin' printer.

    So here it goes; He wants an outdoor camera for their cabin on the mountain. Problem is-since it's a cabin he only has limited data usage up there, 20 gigs with the possibility of upgrading to 60.

    His demands;

    Wants to be able to check in on the cam via phone or tablet.

    Wants notifications on his phone incase of burglary.

    HD-ish resolution.

    Wireless connection to WiFi.

    Given the limited data available I would imagine he needs a cam with motion sensors only actually recording when it detects motion or he tunes in from his phone. So basically my question is this:

    What's the alternatives in terms of cameras/apps that only actually record when motion is detected, and how much data aprox would it use?

    Like would I be able to tweak the camera settings in Kasa or Nest apps to only record incase of motion, and would this limit the data usage? Also given the data restriction, what's the best means of saving actual footage. SSD, hard drive or cloud?

    Thanks for your time! Take care.

    submitted by /u/Brorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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    People who cannot aim guns should not own guns.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:53 PM PDT

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