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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Home security: A guy pointed a gun at a neighbor's head earlier this morning. I need some advice.

    Home security: A guy pointed a gun at a neighbor's head earlier this morning. I need some advice.

    A guy pointed a gun at a neighbor's head earlier this morning. I need some advice.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Hello, strangers. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I should start by telling you that I live in Mexico, so, I don't have easy access to firearms, and even if I acquired one through legal means, it would only be for self-defense, inside my home. However, in a life-or-death situation, I wouldn't mind killing an attacker or multiple attackers if my life or my family's life were in danger.

    I live in a low-crime area, where the main problem is having our car batteries stolen, with an occasional pedestrian robbery. Break-ins are really uncommon, but criminals are getting bolder. I live with my parents, they are both close to being seventy. I take care of them. Earlier this morning, as a neighbor (a girl) was getting ready to take her car out of her garage to go to work at around 8:00 AM, a tall guy wearing a hoodie entered through the opened garage door and pointed a gun to her head, probably to steal the car or perhaps kidnap her, who knows. Two men were waiting for him in a truck close by. She freaked out and screamed at the top of her lungs, and crashed her car against her house. The guy proceeded to exit the garage and walked very calmly to the truck where his accomplices were waiting for him. Her parents came out still wearing their pajamas, and other neighbors who were going about their daily-life routines went to see what had happened. Luckily, it was just a huge scare, and nobody got hurt.

    I have to work very early in the morning, and I fear that what happened to my neighbors could happen to me, as I do the exact same thing every morning. I open the garage door, warm up my car, and drive out to work. Since I am unarmed, I fear criminals may take advantage of the situation to gain access to the house. I don't mind getting my car stolen, I have insurance, but I can't allow any harm done to my parents if I can help it.

    I am going to buy some cameras to check if there are people around before I open the garage door every morning. Can you recommend something that is not too expensive?

    I am not sure if I should get a gun or not. Do you think it would be a good idea? I have already installed bars at every entry point in the house, and I have a silly baseball bat, but other than that, I'm really defenseless against any armed attackers, especially outside.

    I know this was an isolated case, but I'm afraid this may become a more common occurrence. What do you guys suggest? Should I just install some cameras and hope for the best? Am I blowing this out of proportion? Should I get serious about carrying a weapon? Moving to another house is not an option right now.

    I know it was a lot of text, but I wanted to tell you all the details as well as tell you how I feel about all this. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post this kind of thing. Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer.

    submitted by /u/Sooma-Yukihira
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    Secure Sliding Door and Normal Bedroom Door

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I recently moved back in with my mother as my partner moved to another province for work. I plan on joining him around June, but for now staying with my mother means saving money, so leaving isn't financially clever right now.

    The problem is, she has an obsession with entering my room (often to steal my sleeping pills) and just generally going through my things. For context, I do pay rent, but our tense relationship means if I bring the issue up, she will threaten to kick me out.

    So, advice I need:

    1. My bedroom is a converted sunroom. This means there are three entrances to the room itself. The problem is, other than the one sliding door/gate that leads to the outside of the house, there are two additional additional entrances that leave me vulnerable to her prying.

    2. The first door is a regular wooden door, which opens externally to our second lounge. I have a key for this door, which I keep locked (and the key inserted), but my mother has another set that she keeps well-hidden. I'm asking for suggestions to secure this door, as she has figured out how to knock my key out and unlock the door. My attempts to pile heavy boxes against the door don't work either - she shamelessly moves them around (and, of course, digs through said boxes). What are my options here?

    3. The second issue is the sliding door that leads to our home office. It locks exclusively on the outside. I usually put a doorstop in place, but she will use all her strength to push it aside. I've tried to install a lock, but I don't have access to the tools to ensure the lock is sturdy. Any suggestions beyond this?

    4. Lastly, the above-mentioned sliding door has two windows installed (which also lock on the other side). They are just bit enough for my mother to fit through. I've attempted to secure the door using a long piece of wood as a stopper, but she then proceeds to gain entry using the windows. Again, I've attempted to install various locking mechanisms, but without the tools, I can't manage to find anything that works. The frames of the sliding door are plastic, which eliminated my idea of a magnetic locking mechanism.

    Please excuse the length of my post, but I'm at my wits end. I can provide pics if necessary.

    submitted by /u/IPutTheHotDogInTheBu
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    Someone is breaking into our cars

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    So I just moved in with my GF. Our part of town is safe enough and we live here with her cousin and cousin's husband. My GF's car doesn't lock (only the driver door locks) and someone will get into it every so often. Doesn't seem like they're after much except loose change. Nothing of value has ever been taken. I parked in the driveway today and guess I forgot to lock my car. I went outside at around 9 this evening to find my seat had been moved so someone could get to the back seat. There's currently a big bin full of stuff to be sent to Goodwill. Nothing was taken from my car at all even though my skateboard is in there and a bottle of wine from Christmas I've been too lazy to take out. What I want to know is what I should do. Her car has been broken into 2 times this week and now I want to catch this fool. I was thinking of just sitting in my backyard and waiting for them but then what do I do? I'd like to at least be able to restrain them until the cops can come. Any advice? I was thinking I could just sucker punch them and have a friend help me hold them until the cops come.

    Tldr: GF keeps having someone get into her car and taking her loose change. It's happened enough to where I'd like to try to put a stop to it by waiting for them until they come around again.

    submitted by /u/dinglydangledang
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    Need secure Wi-Fi camera to watch baby when I'm in garage

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi all, I need to do a project in the garage but our standard baby monitor shows "Out of range" when I'm in the garage, and we don't have Wi-Fi in the garage either. So, I need a Wi-Fi camera to keep an eye on the baby that's secure (with 2FA?) that I can watch via my mobile phone using 4G. I would prefer it if it doesn't record to the cloud. Need to be reasonably priced too.

    Many thanks in advance!

    Edit: someone here suggested using a home VPN connection, and I remembered I had an insecure IP camera that's blocked from the internet, I would use the VPN to connect to that. Job done. Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Eddles999
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