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    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Home security: Since booby traps are illegal, is psychological warfare ok?

    Home security: Since booby traps are illegal, is psychological warfare ok?

    Since booby traps are illegal, is psychological warfare ok?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This is not a joke, though maybe a bit of a shitpost. It's mostly meant to keep people like my nosy landlord from walking into my apartment without me present. Which is a violation of the contract, but he doesn't know that because he didn't read it after I gave it to him. ("Take home" your rental agreements to 'look over'. If they can bind you to something you didn't read so can you to them.) It also means the restrictions on what I can do to my apartment are gone.

    The plan is a open/close sensor on a door will trigger the system. As a big fan of not closing my own doors the big heavy automatic door closer is NOT attached to the system and will not lock. It will just make the door very slow to pull back open. No false imprisonment here.

    Opening the door will set off an alarm siren and flashing lights, as well as a voice recorded warning. Fog will pour from the ceiling mounted fog machine. Nothing will be in the walking area to trip over that wouldn't normally be there, like shoes. Once halfway down the hallway lights change to red and "Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker" plays. A mannequin shouldering a model M4 swings around the corner and automatic gunfire plays on the speakers. The mannequin will be dressed in military gear with face covered so it looks real. Nothing will shoot from the gun except a laser beam to cut the fog and add extra pants-pissing. Probably through a speaker in the mouth and give it voice lines too. "Hands up shitlord, turn and walk to the door".

    Assuming the intruder hasn't left, passing the mannequin will make everything look like it shuts down. Until the room is filled with a high pitch whine at a volume you can't ignore along with intermittent random loud noises to keep the fucker jumping.

    Obviously there will also be a camera system in place and I'll be able to watch and control the situation remotely, as well as arm/disarm the system.

    Note: I will obviously research into Db levels to prevent hearing damage to the intruder. Would be a real shame if a criminal couldn't hear anything above 15kHz. Research will also be done on the lights to prevent epilepsy and permanent eye damage.

    Outside of those considerations, I just need to know if I can legally scare the piss out of an intruder, up to and including falsely putting them in fear of their lives.

    EDIT: My response to Spncrgmn outlines how this should be legal in TX

    Fortunately in Texas I'm allowed to the use of "device" for defense of property(Sec. 9.44). The code specifies it can't be designed to or known by the owner to have substantial risk of causing death or serious injury. Thankfully for me it also mentions that the use of device is otherwise under the same law as I am for defense of property(Sec 9.41 & 9.43).

    That means the device can use "force" against the intruders. Section 9.04 states the threat of force is justified when force is justified. A threat is then defined as a threat to cause death or injury. As long as the intention is only to cause apprehension that I might. Since that was exactly my idea with this device I'm actually golden and protected by the law.

    Edit2: This was a troll post for funsies. The landlord part at least. I live at home and I'm thinking about stuff to do when I move out. Thought I'd post about just the scare defense system, but added some spice to get people going.

    I would proabably actually do this, just with like a standee or something much easier(and cheaper) to swing around as the jump scare. I wouldn't really use it against a landlord intentionally. I probably will have a tinnitus generator in the room when I'm not home though just to make it vaguely uncomfortable to inhabit. Psychological warfare is much better when they don't know you're doing it.

    submitted by /u/aHobbyist
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    Need a camera

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I need a camera for my cabin that has no electricity or wifi. I have an unlimited data plan with verizon. What would be the best ans most cost effective way to get 1-3 cameras out there?

    submitted by /u/Floridian-954
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    Survey Answers Why Women Are Buying Guns

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Dimly lit exterior sconces

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Just moved to a new house in an up and coming neighborhood. There is only one floodlight and that is in the back. At the front, back, and side doors we have sconces but they're decorative and don't put out any light. Is there any type of security lighting that we could replace the sconces with or anything we should look for when buying new sconces?

    submitted by /u/timn420
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    white Mini van circling neigborhood at night

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    live at the top floor of a three story apartment I have seen the same minivan circle around through this small alley then around the block and out the alley again about four times, also stopped right below my apartment (I have a very open view) for awhile then kept circling. Get the creepy feeling I am being watched it is very easy to see me in my room at night... also heard banging sounds around my apartment earlier, door is locked but feeling creeped out. If I see this car drive out of the alley one more time I am going to go and stand outside but I don't have a weapon.

    submitted by /u/americanboyyouused
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    Basic Cost Effective Ways to Protect My Home?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I've seen online that simply replacing the screws in my door latched and hinges with longer ones will allow it to withstand exponentially more force. While I have still have not gotten around to doing it, I wonder what else can be done around the house, for relatively cheap, that will make my home much more secure?

    Mabe I can knock it all out on a sunday ;)


    submitted by /u/silentholmes
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