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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Home security: Setting up an LPR for my neighborhood

    Home security: Setting up an LPR for my neighborhood

    Setting up an LPR for my neighborhood

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    I'll probably edit this post as I learn, so don't be surprised if things change...

    We have had a lot of crime in our neighborhood, and we recently had our catalytic converter stolen off our vehicle. The neighbors across the street had the same thing happen, as well as what appears to be dozens of other people in the area. We are just off the freeway which makes us extra vulnerable. The thing is, our chunk of neighborhood is actually a big loop that really only has 3 street entrances, maybe 6 if you really want to cover everybody in the area. I found a neighbor at the main entrance, closest to the freeway, that has a perfect vantage point to capture all the cars coming in and out. He is super enthusiastic about the idea of an LPR Bullet IP Security Camera, and gave me the go ahead to set one up. I plan to get one up and running efficiently, and then show its capabilities to more of my neighbors. I'm thinking they would jump at the idea, but I want to get a working model up and running before I go around chatting ever one up about it.

    Police action has been incredibly lacking, but I figure these cams could give them a huge leg up. Also there is no HOA and the area is actually split between incorporated and unincorporated.


    So the above is a (slightly edited) snippet of the e-mail I sent to Nelly's security. They sell an ^LPR Cam that I've been looking at, and I think it could really help out. I have no experience with security cameras or the networks that support them, but I am tech savvy and learn quick. I also have the electrical skills to get power to it. I have some basic programming experience, I built my PC from scratch, and assembled my 3D printer, so I figure that if I can find the right guides, I can get this first camera set up without paying for professional help. I'm a big DIY guy and I want to learn how to do it, even if it takes weeks of study. Not currently employed and not in a rush to find a job. I also have a very experienced electrical engineer friend who will hopefully have time to help me. (Calling him tomorrow)


    Cam location^

    Things I need to know:

    What kind of storage am I looking at? If some one needs to find a car that was in the neighborhood a week and a half ago, and there's hundreds of cars going by every day (if not over 1000), at 1080p I imagine that is a buttload of footage to store, and that's just one camera. Where's the best place to get a crash course on buying/building this type of storage? I had to google what DVR/NVR was so that should tell you how little I know

    I am also hoping to keep tabs on foot traffic. Due to the nature of the LPR, I'm assuming that I would need a second camera to do this, maybe storing a weeks worth of footage with IR capabilities? I don't know the feasibility of this so please advise. Also, if it is feasible, what type of camera do you suggest?


    ^This would make a good cam for foot traffic?

    The property owner where I want to put the cam does not have an ISP lol. Any considerations to take into account when choosing an ISP?

    Would it be best to build storage at the camera location or at my house? Again I don't actually know the feasibility of what I'm suggesting, so please advise. If I have to pay for a service I suppose I will, but I'd much rather figure it out on my own.

    Better yet, if you you have comments, suggestions, guides, builds, or anything you would like to share with me, please do. I'm a sponge, please dump any knowledge your willing to share.

    (Specifically anything to do with learning enough about IP networks to handle what I need)

    If you think I'm nuts and tell me to go to hell, I understand. God knows I get enough of that on reddit.

    Either way, thank you for your time!


    So I started here. I guess I should have read a little more before posting, but it is what it is. Nell's cam is an IP cam so I guess I'm going IP.

    submitted by /u/TheTinkerChannel
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    Condo Security Camera Setup

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Hello /r/homesecurity,

    I'm on the board of a condo and we had some incidents recently that have prompted us to look into getting a security camera system. I'm moderately familiar with home networking and feel pretty confident specing out equipment. So I was really surprised when the first estimate came back at $10k for a wired 8-camera system. I had figured on the high end that would be about $3k, maybe a little more, including installation and setup. Am I off-base, or am I being swindled?

    The equipment they are quoting is Alibi NVR3316P NVR and 8x NS2014VR 4MP dome cameras. It seems to me these are marked up to begin with, but it would still leave about $6k left in the fixed price estimate for labor. I don't think it's anywhere close to 40-60 hours of labor. I know fixed price has a lot of overhead built-in, just in case. But this feels off.

    In reading many posts here, I'm more tempted to convince the rest of the board to let me do the install myself to save us a ton of money. This project would be about 1/3rd of our budget for the year if we purchased it.


    submitted by /u/bakerk6
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    Newbie to home security, looking for simple options to observe car in open parking area.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm looking for advice on options to simply observe my car in an assigned parking space in front of my town home. Interested in catching random neighborhood kids, drunken neighbors, etc. Any identification of damage to my property for the sake of insurance claims or landlord discussions. I bought a new car 3 days ago and already have a chip in my windshield that spawned suddenly overnight.

    I was thinking a simple camera setup that can look out my window on the first or second floor, angled to watch my car would be enough. What options exist? Is 24/7 observation possible, should I look for motion sensing, where and how much data will need to be stored? Power outlets exist near the windows I'm looking at, but my computer is too far away if that's what's needed for storage.

    submitted by /u/Vessix
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    Recommendation for home security cameras

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    I'd like 4 cameras and an NVR. I got quotes from several people, and they all quote me with LTS hardware. I know they are quality, but they are welllll out of my price range. I would really like to get 4k dome cameras, but 4 LTS dome cameras and a 4k NVR plus hard drive will run me over $1200 in parts after tax. (My installer for some reason was pushing me hard to get the 4 channel NVR, but I really want 8 channel in case I ever expand, or a model with two SATA slots).

    I did find a more affordable option via Amcrest. A 4k dome system which, after a 10% coupon on their website, will come to $468 before tax, $496 after tax. With a $100 4TB drive, I'm looking at $600 in parts (which is much less than $1200). And the cameras have a wider FOV than the LTS cameras. My problem with Amcrest is 1) only 1 year warranty (LTS offers 3), 2) lots of reports of the fan in the NVR being a tad loud, and 3) most importantly, people constantly complain about Amcrest software being absolutely crap. It also doesn't make me feel good that every time I visit their website I am always bothered by the sales rep chat popup, that rubs me the wrong way.

    Are there any other options out there?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/throwawaybananas1234
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    Product recommendations

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of products similar to what I am looking for, but nothing that exactly fits my needs, so I am hoping for help.

    We have a 4 acre square plot of land. It's literally a 2 x 2 square. We don't have a fence around the perimeter. I was hoping to find a perimeter alarm that I could set up on the corners of the property to alert me if anyone were to cross the line. The best I could find have only about 25ft of range from the sensor, which would mean I'd have to put a sensor every 8ish yards along the perimeter of the property

    Is there a better option? Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/TheVikingCoffeeMan
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    Lorex always defaults everyday to SD not HD on live view. WiFi or cellular doesn’t matter .. any way to change to HD DEFUALT?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Spectra 1738 / Paradox LCD Keypad - Zone Disable

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:17 AM PDT


    I have read the installers manual but am finding a conflict with no resolution. I hope you can help.

    I want to disable zone 4.

    The installers manual says to:

    • STEP 1: Press the [ENTER] key
    • STEP 2: Enter the [INSTALLER CODE] (Default: 0000 / 000000)
    • STEP 3: Enter 3-digit [SECTION]
    • STEP 4: Enter one digit from the Zone Definition table
    • STEP 5: Enter one digit from the Partition Assignment table
    • STEP 6: Select one or more options from the Zone Options table
    • STEP 7: Press the [ENTER] key

    I pressed Enter, entered in (what I think is my) installer code. It asks me what section so I enter in 003 ( '[003] = Zone 03' according to the manual zone programming section), and then some data to do what I want. I set it up to be disabled but the zone is still there. There is an issue with the screw terminals so I can't just jump it out.

    Perhaps I am putting in a user or master code as opposed to the installer code (which the installer changed and promptly went out of business)? I can see that if I enter in 002 (which would be zone 2 programming) instead of 003, I can see a user code in the data on the LCD.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/123InSearchOf123
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    Hikvision cameras from Amazon?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    I noticed the Hikvision cameras often are 30-40% cheaper on Amazon (from random 3rd party resellers, I think) than for example B&H.

    The model numbers are all super confusing and Amazon has lots of listings that are basically for some other camera (or a rebranded Hikvision?) where they just included the OEM model number to get into search results.

    Anyway -- is there a known catch with the Amazon ones? Grey market imports? Different firmwares? We need 10-12 cameras, so saving $100+ on each would be nice. :-)

    submitted by /u/ask
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