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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Home security: Recommendation for security cameras

    Home security: Recommendation for security cameras

    Recommendation for security cameras

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Looking for a good security camera system with a couple of caveats. I would like home storage and have very good WiFi coverage for the cameras. The only issue is I have no way besides solar to get them power.

    Can anyone recommend a good system that uses Solar Panels for the cameras but has in home storage?

    submitted by /u/theskyalreadyfell217
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    Identify make and model of camera?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT


    Anyone know what the make an model of this is? Perhaps a Swann? I looked at all current and old models and nothing looks like this.

    My neighbor has this camera pointed primarily at my properly rather than his own. We've had many problems with this guy, but before addressing it, I'd like to know the capabilities of the camera, field of view, audio recording etc.


    submitted by /u/macojoe
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    Questions about ADT

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I recently got this new job with ADT and i was curious as to what your thoughts on it are? I know I've been trained that ADT is just the best and most reliable security system available to the public but are there any faults with ADT that I don't know about? (Not customer service related only tech) I mean this new system has everything from encryption to tamper detection and doesn't even run on WiFi. Does anyone know any problems that the system has?

    submitted by /u/Ramasouras
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    reolink missing screws problem

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Hi. i bought a 410w camera and a B10 Junction box but dropped 2 screws that attach the camera to the junction box lid on a gravel drive (the worst thing to drop them on and they aren't magnetic.)

    does anyone know what screw size they are so i can order more?, reolink support seem to be strugling a bit.


    image i found online of them.


    submitted by /u/starvaldD
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    Wifi "trip wire" style motion sensor that works at night?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    I have a long drive way in the woods that I would like to know if anyone is driving up. Is there a device I could set up across the driveway that would send me an alert when someone come up it? Like a electronic trip line?
    My outside the house motion camera is turned off at night because bugs set it off every 30 mins.

    submitted by /u/malibu73
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    Tamper alarm over network

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:19 PM PDT


    I have a remote building that I am installing IP security cameras on. Site has redundant gigabit fiber connections to main building for the local network. I am looking for a way to transmit the tamper alarms from the cameras to the main building over the network and sound an audible noise of some type when tripped, but I am not sure of what to search for here for existing products. Can anyone recommend a solution?

    Ideally, the solution would consist of a remote module that monitored a single NO or NC input and communicated over the LAN to a main module that would have an alarm buzzer.

    submitted by /u/RGrad4104
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    Landlord spying on me, help with counter surveillance

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    So I won't go into all the details and circumstantial evidence but I'm 90 percent sure it's the landlord spying on me. Even if he isn't, I also have a sociopathic family member who I've caught eavesdropping, going through my private things in my bedroom, reading a diary that was hidden away and clearly marked as private, taking my possessions, etc. Interestingly the sociopathic family member is longtime friends with the landlord and they found this apartment for me at a suspiciously low rate. To make matters worse, I've got another family member in the building who is directly above me and quite candid about spying on people. But the landlord is even worse.

    The building used to be the house he grew up in so he only lets in certain people (and certain races). Basically it's various members of his family and two members of mine. When I moved in he gave me a stern lecture on how he didn't want any funny business or drug use in the place, because a previous tenant was a drug dealer and "it was a nightmare trying to get her out so now I go straight to the police as soon as I suspect."

    I don't use drugs, but he might think that I do because I used to when I was younger (way before I lived here in my teen years) and I've been on anti addiction medication ever since and take part in a program to help me stay that way. My family still gossips and talks behind my back about it though, to the point that it spread all over.

    I'm used to being spied on by my family. I'm not used to being spied on in my own apartment, and if he had a long battle getting a drug dealer out of the apartment then there could be some surveillance that was just left in place. Anything could have been installed before I moved in, and both he and my family have information that I intentionally don't tell anyone...kind of bait to see if somebody is watching or listening. Either they're psychic or are spying on me.

    I have no idea about counter surveillance, and this guy is such a control freak I don't think I could have a professional come in without it getting back to him. What are some simple measures I could take to check for audio and video listening devices?

    There doesn't seem to be anything large installed out in the open and I've checked the corners of the room where you'd get full coverage. In my bedroom there are very small holes drilled in the wall that were painted over just before I moved in. But if you look closely you can see there's actually little red round things in the holes. I haven't pulled them out yet but there's also two in the bathroom that cover the shower. There's also what looks like a useless TV satellite dish pointed at my window and nobody uses satellite. Probably just old and unused. Most of these holes in the wall are probably too small to fit a camera, like 1 cm. I just wonder why there's cylindrical red things in them?

    All this is making me anxious and I paranoid as I go around my house looking at what are probably harmless old things. However the law in my country regarding what the police can do is absolutely Orwellian. They have basically unlimited powers to spy on you, install surveillance equipment, entrap you, etc and they only need a "reasonable suspicion." Plus the local police are corrupt and friends with my millionaire landlord. He has clout. Id need to find a smoking gun and even then I'd probably just quietly move away as soon as possible.

    Today I suspected I was being monitored based on the hushed tones and muffled phone calls coming from what should be an empty area of the building. I looked out the window and saw what looked like a police SUV speeding down my street but it had a name and logo of a security company from the nearest city. Checked out their website and they do surveillance, CCTV, "home and individual risk assessment" whatever that means, etc. So now I don't think I'm being paranoid.

    Edit: Let me be clear I have no idea if the surveillance is related to the holes. Like I said I know nothing of surveillance all I know is they are one step ahead of me at every turn. I have no history of psychosis, auditory hallucinations, or any of that shit.

    I am following the advice of the stickied post and not revealing what country I'm in but believe it or not there are small countries with small towns where if you're a business and real estate owner the police will do you favors. This is NOT America and there is a lack of regulation regarding surveillance. If my landlord did it then its technically illegal but police brush you off. If police did it then it's just one part of a long chapter of shameful intrusions into people's homes. An undercover cop married a woman and lived with her for over a year because she was a socialist.

    submitted by /u/Both_Coat
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    Home security camera system.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am coming to you for help as this is out of my realm of expertise (not that I have one 😂 ). I have been trying to research options for a home video security system. There are way too many options out there and I don't know what to choose. As of late due to the this whole pandemic people are going crazy. I have also noticed more porch pirates in my area. I would feel more secure having a system in place.

    In my requirements I would like to have a system that can obviously record video and have remote viewing with decent night vision and resolution. I would prefer a system that is not wireless as changing the batteries would be annoying to no end. The system would be covering all sides of the house and in the garage.

    From what I could see in this subreddit you are recommending hikvision. I went looking and found a hikvision system this one in particular -> https://www.aartech.ca/eki-k82t46-hikvision-security-camera-kit that looked like it could work. Would this system be acceptable? Any other recommendation?

    I appreciate any help/insight into this matter you give. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    submitted by /u/Mostly_All_Right_Guy
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    Password Protect Lorex System

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I recently installed a Lorex system in my business but I wanted to password protect the viewing angles. I've searched online and I'm not sure if it's possible.

    The settings are password protected but I would like the monitor that they are installed on to be "black" so to say, until the password is entered. Right now I'm having to resort to unplugging the hdmi until footage needs to be reviewed but I wanted to know if there was an easier way.

    Is this possible?

    The exact model is: D841A82-8DA4-E


    submitted by /u/OsmannyM
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